project 3-evaluation

what my youtube Channel is about and why i did it?

my youtube channel is about new tach products and i did this because i am interested on the topic and i can talk about lot of things and i got the latest Samsung phone to talk about

how i got all of my research?

i looked at one of my favourite tech YouTube content creator and lots of others channels along side it to get an idea for my youtube logo and the stile of my youtube content

problems i faced

i struggled to record the video because i didn’t et a time or place to record.

what went well

i think that creating a logo went well because it can come in multiple colours and it look good still and it has a relation to my name and name of the youtube channel

what did i learn doing this project

doing this project i learnt haw to create a animated logo

haw i experimented with my work

try multiple different logo ideas

what i could do better next time

sart recording faster