Reflection 1- 02/01/24-03/01/24
Steph gave us an introduction to what onscreen acting was. We then separated into groups researching about different acting methods and techniques. After that we presented our work to the class, sharing ideas etc. With Jess we created our own dance to the song ‘This was me’ I decided to do a solo and freestyle since I find it much easier. I then showed my dance to the rest of the class. The following day, With Jess we received our scripts and were divided into groups for our on-screen performance. Our group was given a scene from gentleman Jack and I will be playing the Character ‘Aunt Ann walker. We then started staging and blocking our performance and acted it out multiple times so we are confident enough to perform it to the class. We then performed it to the class and acted it our perfectly, in which everyone understood the performance.
Reflection 2- 8/01/24-10/01/24
With Sarah, we started off with looking at some videos of celebrities using different dialects and accents. We then got into a circle and started doing a vocal warmup to help with our projection and making it easier to pronounce different accents. With Jess we had a workshop with people from the filming industry, who are known as screen Yorkshire. Whilst people were doing their scenes, some volunteers decided to be the director and assistant director. Filming the scenes was pretty simple and I also need to work on learning my lines to keep me prepared.
Reflection 3- 15/01/24-17/01/24
With Steph, we started off with rehearsing our scripts, Steph then introduced us to a website called padlet, where the whole class can share a bunch of ideas with just typing. After that we then started practising some realistic acting, in which where we had to get into groups of 4 and use improvisation to create a scene of a fight breaking out between two students. Through this task, I learnt that you can do a lot through improvising the scenes and it comes quite naturally.

With Sarah, we went into a screening room, I volunteered to work in the camera room where everything is controlled. Then group by group, we all had a turn to work in the camera room and we also had a turn to be recorded by the screening cameras.

With Jess we then started bringing the dance together to the song ‘This was me’ and we slayed that dance!
Reflection 4- 23/01/24- 24/01/24
With Jess we started rehearsing our lines, we then continued practising our performances and through this we added some actions and facial expressions. Additionally, we added some body language as these things enhance our performance making it better and making it seem realistic since its on-screen acting.
Reflection 5-29/01/24-31/02/24
With Sarah we started off with a focus task. A lot of people weren’t focused so we had to redo the focus warmup quite a few times. We then went into our separate groups and rehearsed our performance quite a few times. We then got another peer to record our performance, however we couldn’t remain focused as we kept laughing again and again. So we decided to rehearse more whilst remaining our focus and then we decided to talk about the camera placements and analysed the scripts deciding where the cameras should go. We then got videotaped again and it went pretty well since no one broke out of character. From this I learned that I should constantly remain focused as no one wants to hire an actor that makes a joke of everything.

I had decided to not get my makeup done for the screen acting since I have really sensitive skin. It was then time for us to perform and at the beginning I started getting really nervous and forgot my lines. After a few takes, I managed to remember my lines and we managed to get through it. I’m really proud of myself as I didn’t break out of character too much times and I didn’t laugh. After it was filmed the next group went and I decided to use the clacker board each time the group needed to record a scene. Which was pretty fun. I really enjoyed this project as it is something I want to pursue in the future and I have learnt quite a lot about it through this project.
Below u will find the file of our onscreen recreation of Gentleman Jack and feedback by a peer about my performance