Reflection 1- 20/01/25-23/01/25
Today was the first day back at college, With Steph we started off by going through a matrix evaluation. Within this I self assessed my own work from project two, I then got my script for the acting audition. For the acting audition I will be doing a monologue done by Ed, the father of Christopher. I then started my pitch, The pitch is basically a presentation that will be presented to the class in about one weeks time. Within this presentation I will present whom I want to audition for and the production role I want.
Reflection 2- 27/01/25-30/01/25
Today with Jess I continued my presentation, I also went over my lines continuously to try and remember them off by heart. Furthermore, with Jennie we started off one by one presenting our presentations, mine went pretty well however I did mumble a little out of nervousness. In this presentation I explained how I wanted the role of the policeman, additionally I wanted the production role of either sound or lighting. I also very briefly explained the story of the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime, and I added a timeline of what we will be doing throughout the entirety of the nine weeks at college for the final major project, gave my research sources all while being recorded. We then had a masterclass
Reflection 3- 03/01/25-06/01/25
With Eric we had our singing auditions, When going in to b25 for the audition I was quite nervous as I hadn’t had enough time to practise a song or a decent vocal warm up. I sang the song ‘A million dreams’ from the movie The Greatest Showman because It’s pretty much the only musical song I’ve heard about a hundred and one times. During the audition I was a little out of tune and my voice did shake quite a bit however Eric did say my singing was good enough which I did appreciate.
Reflection 4- 10/01/25-14/01/25
Today with Jess I went over my monologue that I will be doing for the audition, I remembered to use characteristics and facial expressions as this is very vital to have a better chance of getting the character I want in the show. At 11:55 I went into b25 and did my audition (acting audition), I tried my level best and remembered as much lines as I could so I don’t butcher the performance. I do feel like I could have done tons better and learned my lines to the full extent. In the afternoon, With Sarah we told her which characters we would like to play, we then went over the script. I was supposed to read out the policeman’s lines in act two, however I ended up reading in for Ed, who is Christopher’s dad. He is a very strict and abusive character. On Wednesday with Jess I continued with my research and learnt a lot about Ed the character from the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime.