Reflection 1-11/11/24~15/11/24
Today with Steph we went through a power point of Surrealistic Art in performing and production arts. From this I learned of some famous surrealistic directors in the acting industry and I also learned how it’s used and applied to movies, shows or plays. We then in groups of twos devised a scene from the theme ‘Broken plate’ with this theme in mind we had to have three lines each. Below you will a script that me and my partner created.

We then performed these scenes to the class and received constructive criticism. My feedback was to constantly stay in character as I may have broke character once or twice. After lunch we continued with the surrealistic PowerPoint and learned more upon it as it is one of the choices for project 2, I personally don’t think I will be going ahead with this option as I don’t think abstract art is for me. For our next task we had to get in to groups of 5 and create another piece from a script.

I was given the role of the eye, which meant I had quite a lot to say. Although it was very fun and exciting, I found it very abnormal because of the wordings used in this script. We then started blocking and staging for the performance. I had to start with walking into the middle of the stage from the back and deliver my lines whilst walking in. Isabel had to lay on the floor right from the beginning of the performance and rise at the end on her last line. Oliver had to sit on a chair with a guitar and play the guitar after every single line, Alex was placed on a chair within the audience throughout the performance and lastly Jack had to stand on the side but go closer to the audience after every line. As a group we decided to read the script from back to forth as it’s abstract and you can do it however you want. We also added a scream in the performance that Isabel had to do to add to the scarce and eeriness, which ended up making the performance a whole lot better.
Below you will find a video of our performance:
Today with Eric we started off with going through a vocal warmup. We then went through the first song from The musical and Juliet which is called Can’t you see by Backstreet boys. I found this one quite easy and simple as it fits my vocal range and it was quite satisfying to sing. Below you will find a video of level 3 extended singing it.
After lunch, with Jess I started planning out what I will be performing for my contemporary dance in project two. I have decided to dance to the song What was I made for by Billie Eilish. However this song is not five minutes so I will be pausing the song half way through and acting out a scene and giving a speech of women empowerment because why not.
Reflection 2- 18/11/24~22/11/24
Today with Steph I decided to do a duo with Sophie O’Neill to the song ‘What was I made for’ by Billie Eillish. In this performance our aim is to express women empowerment through dance and a duologue. We first decided to start making the script for our duologue. In this we are going to be using inspiration from the monologue used by America Ferrera in the barbie movie as it is a very inspiring piece towards many women especially in today’s day and age. Below you will find scripts/ Drafts that me and Sophie came up with and wrote.

We then started choreographing a dance to the song which turned out to be pretty easy and simple, me and Sophie both threw In ideas for this performance which is what makes it so much better. We indeed do work well together in the team. The following day, me and Sophie continued adding more to our script and involving more ideas to our performance in order for it to make sense to the audience. Below you will find more of the script that we continued on writing. We did use inspiration from the Barbie movie. Specifically the monologue that America Ferrera delivers. The reason we used this specific monologue as inspiration is because it explains and implies a lot about a woman’s life and how they are affected by living in a world that’s going backwards instead of forwards.

Today with Eric we continued with going through the songs from ‘And Juliet’ I found it quite simple and easy and enjoyed it as I’m quite familiar with the songs. With Emma we started learning a choreography to the song ‘Red’ from Descendants. This was a hip-hop choreography and I absolutely adored it because I have a passion for hip-hop dancing. I then started choreographing my solo part that I will be doing for my performance with Sophie. At the beginning of the song ‘what was I made for’ I will be doing a solo number, I have figured out a few moves I will be using and choreographed most of it whilst also going through my duet part with Sophie.
Reflection 3- 25/11/24-29/11/24
Today with Steph we went through a power point about musical theatre. We learnt about the different types of musical theatre and how they are used in the industry. We also watched loads of examples of musical theatre on Broadway etc. We then went through some vocal warmups which then lead to us singing the song ‘consider yourself’ from Oliver Twist. We did go over it a few times and had to apply the london accent as best we could. After lunch me and Sophie added a little more to our script and corrected any errors. We then went through our dance and corrected it as Steph was going to be checking how far we have gotten. We showed our dance and duologue to Steph and received feedback. She simply implied that she liked the idea of ‘female empowerment’ however we need to make the message more clearer and change up some of the concept, it need to come across as more empowering ourselves rather than relying on empowering each other. We also need to do some research on what a woman actually is and how they correlate to transgender women. We also helped Polly in creating some social media logos for her performance. Below you will find a picture of what we have added to our scripts.

p.s. was in Saudi for 2 weeks…