Project 1- Planning and production (level 3 ext)

Bradford police museum:

For the Bradford police museum we have been asked to bring a court case from the 1800’s to life. This court case is about a man called Nathaniel Jones who allegedly murdered his wife. I have been given the role of ‘Mathew Entwistle’. Mat had a ‘secret’ affair with Nathaniel’s wife Freda which then led to Nathaniel finding out and brutally murdering his wife. In this court case there are four witnesses one prosecution one defendant and one usher.
After we decided who’s playing which character, we set the stage to make it look like a court room. There was 5 chairs on the left side for the witness’s and prosecution, 2 chairs on the right for defendants and one in the middle for the judge. We then started acting it out bringing the court case to life, with a few tweaks and perfections by the end of the lesson it was performable.
The lighting I would use for this would be white spotlights on the witnesses and maybe red on the criminal and again white on defendant and prosecution. Additionally I would advertise this performance by promoting it on social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, facebooks etc. I could also reach out to small creators and ask them if they could promote on their platforms. Or we could put posters and flyers around college and ask college students if they would like to come and attend our performance.

Bradford police museums-Our court case

We have been told by Bradford police museum to create our own court case in which we have decided that the crime is going to be two girls who have stolen bread from a shopkeeper and the shopkeeper has decided to take legal action against them. There’s one witness two prosecutions two defendants one usher and two criminals. I played the part of the prosecution. We then had to create our own script from scratch and come up with various ideas in order for this court case to make sense. It had to be a total of five minutes as when the public are taking the tour of the police museum their last stop is going to be the court room and we are going to act out this court case but it can’t last too long.

Scare acting- Hocus Pocus

For scare acting we are going to be working with the light cinema and makeup and media from Bradford college to dress up as characters from Hocus Pocus scaring the customers as they walk in for the movie. I have been given the role of Billy Butcherson who is a zombie from Hocus pocus. Before the performance I had a meeting with my make up artist and in the meeting she started with applying latex to cover my eyebrows but because she wasn’t a fan of it, she had decided to use prosthetic instead which was way more comfortable and felt way better than latex. Because I was a zombie I had to act like a zombie so to prepare I watched a few videos on scare acting and Zombies and I had a rough idea of what I will be doing. We didn’t need to advertise this as it was already being advertised by the light cinema. For costume I wore a wig, white shirt, and a black jacket similar to the one Billy Butcherson wears in the movie. I did find this project rather fun and exciting and I would definitely do it again if given the chance.