level 2 – Viva Questions Project 4:

Level 2 Diploma in Performing and Production Arts

Saturday 2nd March 2024

  1. How do you feel this project went?

This project went really well for me because the coursework was easy and had good people in my acting group for the audition to not make it stressful in the process before the audition.

2. What skills do you feel you have developed throughout this project?

My confidence in acting has approved a lot, for example building my characterization through the acting lesson.

3. What were your key strengths in project 4?

  1. Teamwork
  2. improvisation

4. What were your weakness in project 4?

The only weakness I had in project 4 was projection and facial expression.

5. How effectively did you manage the overall process?

Effectively I found the overall process really easy and made it less stressful to calm me down before FMP.

6. Can you discuss any key research sources which have supported your process?

The key research sources that has supported me is the questions that my tutor Steph gave me for each section and also the step by step plan for the acting cv and the cover letter.

7. How effectively did you apply the research?

I applied the research effectively by having the questions and helping me put all the reflections from over the past three weeks into the questions.

8. What have you learnt from this project which you will take forward on to the next step of your own personal development?

That I will learn my lines the minute I get my role and focus a lot in lesson, and help other peers in my class if needed.

9. What have you learnt about the topic of auditions?

What I have learnt about the topic of auditions is their can be different type of styles for a acting and dancing audition, in dance there is two type of auditions there is one called self-tape. Which can be you creating a dance and film it then send it to the director of that play. However their is one where you go into the audition and they teach you a dance first then split you into groups.

10. What can you do now that you couldn’t do when you started the course?

My teamwork skills wasn’t the best thing because, I have never been in a performing arts course with people who have the same interest as me, for what I want to do in my career. Now I have improved more because of knowing the people more now than I did in September.

11. Why is learning important?

Learning is important because, having a degree will get you more jobs because of going to college and university.

12. If you were to do the project again what would you do differently?

If I was to do this project again, I would learn my lines straight away and not let it be left until a week before and pick a song I am comfortable.

13. How will you effectively apply this within your next project?

I will apply this in my next project when I get the script and learn them straight away so I do not stress myself out when it comes to rehearsal.

14.Did you enjoy the rehearsal process?

Some bits I did it just when It came to my acting rehearsal we didn’t have some people here for most of it because they kept going to other groups.

15. Set yourself 3 targets for FMP:

  1. Learn the lines on time.
  2. Finish props by the deadline.
  3. Learn all the songs and dances.

16. Set yourself 3 targets for your scrapbook for FMP:

  1. Do reflections everyday
  2. Make sure I have done at least research and context before April.
  3. Have more conversation in scrapbook.