level 2 – Project 4 : Reflections

week 1:

Monday morning we had Steph and we watched our project 3 screen acting work from the TV studio till 11am, and then went to english and came back at 12pm. I went back to the studio, and we were watching the bloopers from our project 3, then me and my friends went to the computer room to finish of our coursework so we can start on project 4 in our Scrapbook session after lunch. Then we went for lunch at 12:30pm and then came back to the computer room at 1:30pm, we got introduced to what our project 4 is going to look like and how to do our scrapbook. Then we finished of our scrapbook for project 3 and then we had a break at 3pm and came back at 3:15pm.We just did the viva questions for Project 3 and then starting the project 4 coursework after the holidays. Tuesday morning I had Sara at 9:30am and we got in our groups for the acting side of our audition, and we chose which script of Once upon time scene we wanted to do. The scene my group wanted to do was scene 3 which was longer so it can make us look like we had a lot of practice for this scene. I am in a scene with Jack and Saif, but Saif was not here today so Amber decided to join us because no one from her group was their as it was only me and Jack was their. Then I went to maths at 11am and came back at 12pm, where they was cleaning out the prop room, so it is nice and clean for when people have a look around the studio. We then went to lunch at 12:30pm and came back for dance at 1:30pm, for the first half of dance Jess explained certian type of auditions to us when it came to a dance audition, we did this till 3pm and came back at 3:15pm. When we came back we came back, acting like it was a choreographed audition. So we just did it like we normally do it like a warm up, stretch and corner work then Jess taught us a dance from a musical me and some of my friends in that course are doing Rock of Ages to everyone and then we went home at 4:30pm. Wednesday morning we did self – tape audition, to start of we did our normal things we do. A warm up, stretching and corner work. However we did a warm up in a circle, where we all did our own cardio and everyone would follow us. Next we did stretching but partner work. Then we did some corner work, once we finished corner work we had to pick a musical theatre song, so I picked Schuyler sisters from Hamilton. We then had a break from 10am-10:15am, after the break we came back and practiced our auditions for thirty minutes and after the timer was over we went in like it was a audition. I was first I was nervous but, once I started dancing I felt perfectly fine. Once we finished our auditions, most of level 2 went home. However I stayed behind to do ambition hub, for ambition hub we had a master class from the digital course. Where we had to do, a short film about the environment and it was a competition and my group won the competition ! After this we went back to the lister building and me and some of my other friends were helping out for a open day where we did a dance workshop to encourage people to come to our college in September this started at 5:30pm till 6:30pm.

Here is a picture of the feedback I got on Tuesday from Sara:

Week 2: Monday we had Steph at 9:30am, we practiced for our auditions coming up next week. Then we had lunch at 12:30pm, after lunch we went back to the computer room and finished our Project 4 work. We then had a break at 3pm, and came back to do more scrapbook and went home at 4:30pm. Tuesday morning at 9:30am Level 3 extended came in, for our acting lesson. When we was in this lesson, we played splat as a focus game and then practiced our scripts for the audition. After a hour and half of this I had maths at 11am and came back at 12pm. When I came back after maths they was still practicing the scripts for our audition for week 3. We then went for lunch for 12:30pm-1:30pm, we had a LGBTQ+IA talk from a person who is apart of the community. This talk was for a hour and a half, after this talk we had a break for 10 minutes and came back, then the level 3 extended showed us a little part for FMP. After they showed us what type of roles we can audition for in FMP when it comes to our audition day. After this we came home at 4:30pm. Wednesday morning at 10am, level 3 and level 3 extended. Plus me and Annabelle went is well on the trip. This was a residential to build team skills for when we all do FMP together. We then came back on Thursday afternoon at 1pm.

Week 3:

Monday morning at 9:30am we had Steph, during this lesson we played some focus games at the start of the lesson to get us focused for the day. Then after that we did our scripts because we had our acting lesson. Then I had english at 11am, and came back at 12:15pm to where they was gong to practice their scripts again. Tuesday morning at 9:30am, level 3 extended came back and had a look around each group to look at how we are progressing over the time. Then I had maths at 11am till 12pm, and still practicing for our audition on Wednesday. After lunch we came back for a dance lesson with Jess at 1:30pm, where we did a warm up and corner work till 3pm and went for a break till 3:15pm. Then came back to do a dance from dance moms, level 3 extended was also came in to watch for the wh0le lesson. Wednesday morning was audition day! First we had our singing audition mine was at 10:30pm because we started a bit later than normal, then at 11am we had our dance audition till 12:30pm. After lunch we had our acting auditions mine was at 2:30pm and we was allowed to go home but I stayed with level 3 extended because my mum did not pick me up until 4:30pm.

Feedback from level 3 extended in Tuesdays lesson :

Here is my acting audition: