level 2 -Project 3 : Viva questions

Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts

Project 3 : Screen Yorkshire

Viva Questions

Polly Wragg

Monday 5th February 2024

  1. How do you feel this project went? 

I felt this project went better than the last one, because I knew my character and lines well to make it easier for me to practice.

2. What skills do you feel you have developed throughout this project? 

The skills I feel I have developed is, more confidence with projection and getting to learn my lines more.

  1. What were your key strengths in project 3? 

  1. Line learning
  2. Facial expressions
  3. Accents
  1. What were the weaknesses in project 3?  
  1. Projection
  2. Body Language
  3. Nerves

5. Can you discuss any key research sources which have supported with your process?

The key research sources which have supported me is, Screen Yorkshire website.

6.How effectively did you apply the research?

I applied the research effectively by having the website tell me what they do and where they are located also the certian type of films they did.

7. What have you learnt from this project which you will take forward on the next step of your own personal development?

From this project I will take forward is to make sure I will use my body language to show how powerful my character is and more projection when performing.

8. What have you learnt from the topic of screen acting?

I have learnt from screen acting is that it is very different from because you have to take a very long time to do the scene but with film acting you can only take 3 weeks.

9. How effectively did you manage the overall process?

I found the overall process Easy but stressful at time, because no one was focused but it got better when it near to the actual project everyone is more focused.

10. How effectively did you apply the research?

In my opinion I would say this is the best course work I have done, because I wanted this to be the best one before FMP so I can get a good course.

11. What have you learnt from this project which you will take forward on to the next step of your own personal development?

From this project in my own personal development to take in the near future is, to use body language to show how powerful my character is. But also to make more eye contact with the camera and more projection in my voice.

12. What have you learnt from the topic of Screen Acting?

The topic of screen acting is, film acting is the art of portraying characters of screen based acting.

13. What can you do now that you could not do when you started the course?

From the start of the course I was only able to do stage acting, but now I have the experience of Screen acting and what it is. But also how to work the camera’s.

14. How will you effectively apply this within your next project?

In my next project I will effectively apply this with my next project by, showing my character is powerful by showing body language. More projection in my voice.

15. Set yourself 3 targets for Project 4:

  1. Louder in voice.
  2. More facial expressions.
  3. Good in accents.

16. Set yourself 3 targets for your scrapbook for Project 4:

  1. Do your Refelctions the day you finish college.
  2. Get more research in what it is like to be in a audition.
  3. Do coursework at home as well as college when you have nights you have nothing to do.