level 2 – Project 3 reflections

Week one :

We came back on January 2nd which was a Tuesday, so all level 2 and 3 came in and we had Steph at 9:30am. We got given our groups for project 3 and Steph explained to us what screen acting is as some of never did screen acting before, Steph gave us examples and how different relationships can be used within screen acting. Then Steph told us that some of us would be doing Peaky Blinders and the others will be doing Gentleman Jack , I am doing Gentleman Jack as my screen acting. I am in group three and the people in my group are Oliver Morgan, Tamara Turner, Martin Meko, Rose Sutton and Anastasia Kingsnorth. I then had math’s at 11am then we finished at 12pm so I went back to the studio for the last half and hour of the lesson, when I went back into the studio level 3 where doing different type of screen acting skills and explaining it and presented it to the cast. Then at 12:30pm we had lunch till 1:30pm and then we all came back to dance with Jess where we are starting to practice a showcase we are doing for our parents like a “parents evening” but not ones like high school where you sit down and talk one to one, we actually show how we are progressing into college. So for the first half till 3pm we did a warm up and corner work then after 3pm we were allowed to go into groups and create some ideas for the dance we are showcasing for our parents, then after half a hour of practicing and finishing our dance’s we had a 10 minute break. After the break we came back to the studio and presented our dances to everyone we are doing the song “this is me” by the musical “Everyone is talking about Jamie”, so we had a option to do the lyrical part or the commercial part to help create ideas for the dance we did this till 4:30pm and then everyone went home. Wednesday we had Jess again and we were working on our script for screen acting, but first we did a warm up game were we had to be on a ice burg and if we all was not balanced we would die, not literally by the way :). Then we had a break at 10:15pm, and came back to practice our scripts and put it together but at first we just read the script and gave each other the characters that we wanted to do my character in the script was called “dick” and I was one of the builders in a mechanic barn building a toilet and being called into a conversation to help the other characters. Then once we sorted it all we filmed it, luckily for us we had Usman come in because he was doing work on lights so he helped us with the lights to help us make it feel it was the real thing we did this till 12:30pm.Then at 1:30pm I joined in at ambition hub where we had Steph and we was creating a presentation on what the “Royal Shakespeare Company ” was, and my group is doing it like a kids tv show with sock puppets so it is easy to explain and we had a break at 3pm then at 3:15pm we came back to create our script, then we went home at 4:30pm.

Below is a video of my dance from Tuesday :


Here is the my group doing script acting on Wednesday:


what we did on Monday in scrapbook:

Target for week 2:

My Target for week 2 is to learn my lines so it can be eaiser for me to act when practicing.

Week 2 :

On Monday at 9:30am we did some vocal warm ups and then we had another go at our scripts, then we performed it in front of each other. Then I had my English presentation at 11am and I passed! Then I came back to level 3 and , they were searching up certian types of screen acting. At 12:30pm we had lunch till 1:30pm after we had lunch we got scrapbook, in the first half we did the start of our scrapbook then we had a break at 3pm. After the break we went back to our scrapbook however , we went into the media makeup group by group to tell them what characters we are as some of us are doing Peaky Blinders and Gentleman Jack. My group went in at 3:40pm and then we were talking about our characters and they told us if we got a time for our makeup session, and we can not be late! Then we went back to scrapbook at 4:15pm I left to go for dance. Tuesday at 9:30am we had Sara for acting and did some tonge twisters, as a warmup. Then started on our scripts again so we know what to do! Then I went to maths at 11am and finished at 12:30pm then went back to the studio, so I can meet my friends to go for lunch. At 1:30pm we would normally had Jess but her son was sick so she could not come in, so we did scrapbook for the first half and then went on a break at 3pm. After the break we got to go to the studio so we can practice in the studio for parents evening, Jess is going to let us make our own dances and then collaborate them all together. Then we went home at 4:30pm. Wednesday morning at 9:30am we had Screen Yorkshire come in and do a workshop with them, were at first they talked about what they do on set. After that they connected the camara with the TV so we can see what is going on with the set, and did it group by group and some of us got to be the directors for different groups. Then we had lunch at 12:30pm till 1:30pm and I joined in ambition hub with level 3 and level 3 extended and two people came in to think how ambition hub and we all gave them back honest feedback saying we want more practical than written work, after that we got to do some Shakespeare were we did Romeo and Juliet. We started of doing some freeze frames of the beginning scene and then we did the actual speaking part of the scene, then we did the scene were Romeo and Juliet was dead and the family’s finally became at peace because of there death. So we acted out that scene. Everyone got let home early at 3:45pm but I stayed till 4:30pm with Annabelle, luckily for us Steph was doing a opening evening with some high school kids so I stayed and sat in the sound and lighting area.

Here is some tonge twisters warm up:



Targets for week 3:

I have learnt my lines but I want to make sure for next week that when we came back to the scripts, I will know them perfectly of by heart! So I do not freek out when we are doing our scripts of which line comes next and not mess it up.

Week 3:

On Monday we practiced our scripts to make sure they were perfect for our project, and then we did some naturalism acting to practice our facial expressions. Then I went to english and came back at 12pm, and everyone was talking about our targets for next week. Then after lunch we did our scrapbook from 1:30pm till 3pm and then we had a break at 3pm, then came back at 3:15pm. Then I did more scrapbook till 4:15pm and had to go early for dance. Tuesday we had Sara, and we went to the filming studio in David Hockney. Group one went first and practiced there scripts with the camara but we got told by one of the tech guys in David Hockney all the things you have to do with the camara and the studio area to control the lights. We finished this at 11am because me and other Level 2 students had to go to maths, after maths I went back to the studio were we was just doing stuff we needed to catch up on. For example practicing our scripts and practicing our dance. At 12:30pm we went to lunch, then came back for dance at 1:30pm. We started on a dance that we might need for the future incase we had any performances to do. Then we had a break at 3pm until 3:15, we came back and finished of some of the dance then went home at 4:30pm. Wednesday we had Jess and screen Yorkshire came in again! one of the staff from Screen Yorkshire Nicola came in and she started of with some warm up games we then had a break at 11amand came back at 11:15am , then we started of with the auditions we wanted to do for our scripts and did this till 12:30pm. Most of the level 2 students went home for the day, but I stayed for Ambition Hub, were we did Romeo and Juliet again. We had been split up into groups, and got given a script from the beginning and had to act out that script and only had 10 minutes to do this, then we performed it to everyone! Then we had a break at 3pm and came back at 3:15p. When we came back we had to make a story board to sum up what the story of Romeo and Juliet is really about. Then we went home at 4:30pm.

Targets for week 4:

To make sure that most of my Scrapbook is finished so it is easy for me to do for week 5!.

Here is a video of “This is me” Dance we did on Tuesday:


Some pictures when we were in the filming studio:

Week 4:

Monday we went on a trip to NCIS to build up on team work skills, first we started of with group work and we had crates. We was not aloud to fall of and keep passing the crates to the end. Next we did Archery first we warmed up because not everyone knew what they were doing. After warming we did a competition and did a students vs teachers competition all the students was split up into 3 groups because there was a lot of us and the teachers only had one group. The teachers won so they got a chocolate bar and we did not:(. After that we had a 20 minute lunch and went back to a task were we had to do cooking outside round a fire, my group made a beans of toast with chocolate on top ( sounds grouse I know ) but we forced jack to eat it cause none of us wanted to. Then after that we went over to crate climbing and I helped people climb up onto the crates without letting them fall over. After that we all went home at 2:30pm. Tuesday morning we had Jess and did some acting but first we did some warm up games and after that we had a break at 10am and came back at 10:15am. After we came back we did some of our scripts again to make sure it was perfect for our performance next Wednesday. Then all of the level 2 students had maths so we all went to maths and then came back and it was lunch. At 1:30pm Jess did a warm up and did some corner work. After that we had a break at 3pm and came back at 3:15pm, Jess told us that we might be doing a flash mob and we started creating some ideas together we did this till 4:30pm and we all went home. Wednesday morning we had Jess and she took us to this “Speed dating ” workshop that the Media Makeup made, were my course, media and makeup also music to get to know each other more. Incase we had to collaborate in the future. We finished this at 10:30am and after that we went back to the studio and did a hip hop class, but first of all we did a warm up and corner work then we had a break at 11am and came back at 11:15am. When we came back from break we learnt a dance from dance moms called “Boss Ladies ” we learnt this till 12:30pm . Then all the level 2 students went home and after then at 1:30pm I had Ambition Hub with level 3 and level 3 extended and we watched the whole movie of Romeo and Juliet for the whole afternoon. Then we went home at 4:30pm.

My Targets for week 5:

To make sure my lines are perfect when we come to filming the actual performance, and finish my scrapbook!.

Here is a video of the dance we did on Wednesday:


Week 5:

Monday I was not here because I was ill, however in the morning they did a tutorial lesson. They did a power point on extremism, terrorism and another power point to do on mental health. In the afternoon they did scrapbook. Tuesday morning we had Sara and we started of with doing some focus games, to prepare our self for rehearsals so we do not mess around. Then me and the rest of level 2 had maths at 11am till 12:30pm. Then at 12:30pm we had lunch till 1:30pm. After lunch we had dance with Jess and we did a warm up , after that we did some hip hop corner work because hip hop was our main focus for todays lesson, then we had a break at 3pm till 3:15pm . Last week we started on a Dance called “Boss Ladies”, we did 1 minute of the dance and we are doing this dance for a flash mob coming up in march. Then at 4:30pm we went home. Wednesday was filming day! All of level 2 and 3 students had to be in by 8:30am, this is because we had to get our makeup done to make our characters visible to the audience. At around 9:30am we went to the filming studio in the David Hockney building. We was in the filming studio until 12:30pm. Within that time the first half of the morning we did Gentleman jack which was group 1 and group 3. It took us a long time to direct and use the cameras because we do not normally go in that room, some of the students was the directors because most of us had to double cast it. Once my group was done I went into the directing room where they control all they cameras, my teacher Steph had to go help one of the groups that was doing a fight scene from Peaky Blinders. So I controlled on which camera go’s on next. Then after we have finished all the filming we went back to the Lister Building to get our makeup took off by media makeup, after that all of level 2 went home but me and some other students stayed behind for ambition hub with level 3 and level 3 extended. But after lunch music was using our studio so we went to a computer room and level 3 and level 3 extended was doing a news letter on what Romeo and Juliet is, however because we was in a computer room me and another student Amber Drewy decided to do some scrapbook as we had the time to do it. We was in the computer room until 3pm and had a break then came back at 3:15pm where, the level 3 and level 3 extended presented their news letter to the class. We all went home at 4pm.

Here is a video of us doing Boss ladies in dance from Tuesday :


This is my project 3:
