level 2 – Project 2-Snow white

Task 1: Audition

Here are some three main Performing Arts jobs/roles :

Actor :

I wish to apply for this role because acting is a hobby I have been doing for most of my life and it is a main role you get in most plays! Also if I become an actor then it would be good for my CV when I apply for another acting job to show that I have already been part of a play.

The qualifications I have attained over the years is I have got a grade 3 in GCSE Drama, I also attend a drama group called Dewsbury Arts group where I have been in plays this year. I was in a play called “Oh no it isn’t” where I played Goldilocks and it wasn’t a big part which put less pressure on me so I did not get stressed. Last year we did a play on a supermarket comedy and I was a worker/ dancer in this and it was very fun progress making this play.

The qualifications I need for being a actor is to know the knowledge of performing arts, the ability to work well with others, I have to be determined for the role I have been given so the director knows I am a good actor as well as this is I need a good memory to know all my lines when I am on stage , however I do need to allow myself to change if I have been given a role I do not feel comfortable with I have to let myself out of my comfort zone. Finally the most important one is to have a GCSE English Language then I can know what to learn in the script and what certain stuff means to act it out to what my role is.

My personal characteristics towards this would be that I am a kind and caring person to work with when working with others, also I am quiet at points but when I get to know the people I am very comfortable with them , but either way I am a good person to work with.

Choreographer :

I would like to apply for this role because I can make dances easily from loads of experiences over the past 13 years I have been dancing for. Furthermore to this would be a good job for me because I can help others as well when they are struggling.

The qualifications I have attained is I am apart of TECDA which stands for “The Emma Coombs Dance Academy” I was originally at Ambition Academy based in Gomersal and I danced their for six years and now I go to TECDA which I have been for 1 year . I have been dancing for 13 years now, I danced since I was little. I have loved it ever since I just knew I was going to do more dancing when I was little because the passion for it was just in my heart.

The qualifications for being a choreographer is I need to have dancing experiences and the knowledge of dance , however the main ones you need is creativity which is the most important one! This is because when you are creating dances for shows then people will understand you more. Next, you need an understanding of all the certain styles of dances because you do not know what type of choreograph you will be teaching until you find out what show it is. Another one is leadership skills, when you are teaching people a dance routine you will need to help them if anything goes wrong like a medical thing happens whilst in dance lesson.

My personal characteristics is to support my role will be that I can help dancers be more confident within themselves, such as if doing a show and it is mainly acting and the actors does not like dancing I would help them push them out of their comfort zone. I have good teamwork skills toward groups to help people if they do not get along well then I would help people get along better.


I do not really have any qualifications, however in my project 1 me and my students created a play with all our ideas for our project and the audience thought it was amazing!

The qualifications I need to become a director is, being at least 25 or older. Then you have to have a college degree so then when creating a play you know what to do, you have to be professional when auditioning so then you can have perfect audition so you do not stress anyone out. Next, you can not be rude to anyone because of how people can react to certain thing you say to that person because you can not know if they have anxiety or a very sensitive person.

My personal characteristics that would support this role would be, I am a calm person because I will know how the people in the audition will feel because whenever I am in a audition I can always be really anxious. However, I can never let any people in my play be rude to anyone because that is a bad thing for people rehearsing because of how people can be rude to anyone, and then if that does happen the person that is being bullied will affect their performance on stage.

Research :

Lord Octavius :

Who is my character ?

My character is the guard for the Prince to make sure nothing bad happens to him at all , whilst he is visiting the palace. This is also a main part in the play because they mainly need the guard to make sure nothing else bad happens!

Research on the play :

Reviews = People think it is a very fun and family friendly pantomime for watching and a great way to spend time with family. When watching the pantomime people always get excited on what is going to happen next in act 2 after the halftime break!

History of the play :

Context = The pantomime of snow white is about the evil queen trying to kill snow white because she hated her ever since she married her father, but then snow white met the prince and they fell in love! But her best friend Ollie loves snow white and dosent like the feeling of snow white dating the prince, and he is trying to tell snow white that he loves her but she just wants to be friends. The evil queen has been in disguase as a old lady to try and give her a poison apple but convincing snow white its just a normal fresh apple… but then she at the poison apple and then she dies , then her true love the prince came and give her a true love kiss then she woke up and they lived happily ever after!

Finance :

tickets – for adults they will have to pay £20 and for the kids it will be the same price but it really depends on what type of theatre you go to, then obviously they have a 15 minute break so they pay for ice cream and drinks extra, which are normally £5.

Peoples political thoughts :

Theatre directors normally just promote the pantomime as “snow white” but some people call it ” snow white and the seven dwarfs ” because that is what , the movie is called .

Themes of the play :

Love, exiting, kindness and friendly!

Here is my research chart :

Our Cast:

  1. Snow White = Annabelle Taylor and Isobel Ascroft.
  2. Evil Queen = Amber Drewery.
  3. Prince Richard= Tom Walker and Madison Szyczak.
  4. Ollie (Comedy Lead) = Anastasia Trushkov  and Maleeka Ali.
  5. Dame= Oliver Morgan.
  6. Lord Octavius= Polly Wragg and Alex Peacock.
  7. Huntsman= Amy Wing an Kyle Vint.
  8. Spirt of the Mirror = Tyler Hamlin and Sophie O’Neil.
  9. Dwarfs :
    • Fummie = Kirsty French.
    • Smilie= Tamara Turner.
    • Blush= Martin Meko.
    • Dozy= Thomas Fynn.
    • Sniffles=Ashely Dunne.
    • snoozy=Rosemarie Sutton.
    • Keith=Jack Robinson.
  10. Voice cover= Elliot Robinson and Saif Ali.

Rules in the studio :

  1. Timekeeping.
  2. Professionalism.
  3. Attendance.
  4. Line Learning.
  5. Costume-meet deadlines.
  6. Organised.
  7. Listen.
  8. Share ideas.
  9. Work well with others.
  10. Respectful or peers and staff.
  11. Uniform – all black.
  12. Bottled water only.
  13. No Phones.
  14. Hair tied up.
  15. No Jewellery.
  16. Focus on supporting others and not distracting anyone else.

Overall review of the performance :

This has been one of the best shows I have ever done of being a theatre kid for 14 years now! Times were stressful but we got each other through it all. We had alot of rehersal, and it did make us all very tired. We could not of done it without our lighting and sound Usman and of course our directors Steph,Jess and Sara. Everyone loved it when they were watching it.

Feedback from level 3 extended whilst they were watching the dress rehersal:

  1. Projection with or without microphone.
  2. No noise backstage.
  3. Know your lines!

Viva Questions :

Level 2 Diploma in Performing and Production Arts

Project 2: Pantomime

VIVA Questions

Name: Polly Wragg

Date: Friday 15th December 2023

  1. How do you feel this project went?

I feel like this project was fun and exciting but it was also stressful at points but we all worked as a team we got through it.

  • What skills do you feel you have developed throughout this project?

The skills I feel I have developed is that got more helpful with helping people out and had a better team work skills as in the evening performance I helped out with the front of house even though it wasn’t my job, I did this is because I had nothing to do and decided to help people because everyone was stressed.

  • What were your key strengths in project 2?

. Teamwork

. Dances

  • What were the weaknesses in project 2?

. Learning lines

. The role I had getting me stressed.

  • How effectively did you manage the overall process?

I couldn’t of manged the overall process without my teachers helping me when I was stress and all the peers in my class.

  • Can you discuss any key research sources which have supported your process?

The key research sources have supported me was line learning apps so I can learn them better.

  • How effectively did you apply the research?

By searching online the best line learning app there was to help me.

  • What have you learnt from this project which you will take forward on to the next step of your own personal development?

When I get a script of lines to learn them straight away.

  • What have you learnt about the topic of Pantomime?

The topic I have learnt is that it is nonsense tails with social satire.

  1. What can you do now that you couldn’t do when you started the course?

Better at teamwork skills and helping others.

  1. Why is learning this important?

Learning this is important because it can help us throughout different plays.

  1. If you were to do the project again what would you do differently?

Learn my lines quickly.

  1. How will you effectively apply this within your next project?

When they give me the script I will learn it with or without deadline.

  1. Did you enjoy the rehearsal process?

Yes I did, it was the first ever pantomime I have ever done.

  1. Set yourself 3 targets for Project 3:
  2. More teamwork skills
  • Learn lines better
  • Write stuff down that you need to know.
  1. Set yourself 3 targets for your scrapbook for Project 3:
  2. Even though I put a lot of research in I will put even more in.
  3. Have a course work checklist written down.
  4. More links and pictures of our rehearsal.

Planning and Production:


Within our project we had our lighting and sound Usman, but when we were in certain scenes. For example we would have green and purple lights for the evil queen because she was evil and the sound was bad from Michael Jackson so our evil queen knows that she was coming in for her seen. But when it was the party scene we had loads of different lights to show that it was a party in the haul of the castle for snow whites party.


For the scene were we was all in the royal gardens our prop team made bushes and trees out of would by using the colour green for the bushes and brown and also green for the trees. For the mirror there was a six foot rectangle wood so then we cut the middle part to make a mirror shape out of it and painted it black. Another example, when the evil queen try to kill snow white with the apple the prop team got a ball of polystyrene and painted it red. However when snow white eats the apple we made one so it looks like she ate it.

Marketing :

My job was to do marketing so what I did is made posters of the time and the date of the show. Then I made programs, where I had the image of snow white. Then the name of our directors and a quick review of our play and finally I did the names of each characters the afternoon and evening.

My costume:

I was Lord Octavius in the play, which is basically the princes guard. So I decided to where a white long polo button up t-shirt and boy school trousers. With my hair I just did a slick back ponytail.

Health and safety :

. Ensure that all items are put away or returned to the props table after use.

. Provide safe storage for costumes, make-up and similar items.

. All electrical equipment should be observed if there is any drinks around so they don’t get set on fire.

. Stage lighting must be inspected regular and must meet the conditions set out in the current regulations.

. Stage lights should only be moved by a competent person and never a student.

. In case of a fire all exits routes must be clearly signed and any emergency lighting should be operative, at the beginning of a performance always make sure that people in the audience know where they are going in case of a fire.