Project 2 : Reflections

Reflections :

Week 1 :

This week everyone in my class got given our script for our audition to see who is going to be the main parts ! I was Partnered with Oliver and we got given a script where I was his girlfriend who got a scholarship to a University in Chicago and we were just rehearsing that over and over so we know what to do for the audition! After Practicing this we got Sara watching this so we can improve on being better in the audition, and she showed us different ways to act it out first we did it like we hated each other at the end , then we acted like he was supportive of it but not really. On Tuesday afternoon we had Jess for dance and she did a warm up then corner work and after that we learnt about a choreographer and how they used certain techniques. After that we had a break and when we were in groups before we was allowed to create a dance based on musical theatre. Here is a video of us doing the dance .

Targets for Week 2:

This rehearsal has shown me that me and my audition partner are both very different actors , however Oliver helped me in ways to produce this audition and it has helped me be more confident within learning my lines for project 2. This is helping me prepare for the industry as I can see how other people learn there lines or act in different ways and this is also a better way for me to be better in teamwork skills.

Week 2 :

Monday, we had Steph in the morning and we practiced act 1 scene 2 to scene 4, just with the evening cast . We practiced one of the dances “Time Wrap “. Then at 1:30pm we had our scrapbook session till 3pm and then we had a production meeting so we know what everyone roles are and to know how to help in the play, we had this meeting till 4:30pm. Tuesday morning we had Sara at 9:30am to 11am in this session we did Act 1 again from scene 4 till the end of Act 1 . At 1:30pm we had Jess for dance and we did a warm up then some corner work , then we did one of the dances from act 1 this dance is “Dynamite by BTS” and we did that for most of the first half , however we did start doing the dance bad Michael Jackson . Wednesday we had a Inset day due to the RSC company ,because of the inset at home I learnt all the lines of act 1 and the dance we learnt on Tuesday.

Targets for week 3 :

My targets for week 3 is to learn at least to act 1, so then when it comes to week 3 I know what I am doing in rehearsals but I will also have my script with me just so I can look at it before going on stage, this will help me in the industry as I can prepare how I am going to learn my lines. When I have days of I will also learn my dances at home so it will be easier for myself when I am in dance class with Jess.

Week 3:

Monday we had Steph in the morning at 9:30am and we did Act 2 scene 1 to 4 , with the afternoon and evening cast till 11pm. Then at 1:30pm we had scrapbook until 3pm then we had a break, at 3:15pm we had a production meeting to recap on our jobs that we produced. Tuesday we had Sara in the morning from 9:30am to 11am and we did Act scene 4 till the end , this was the afternoon and evening cast we did this with lighting and set so we had everything sorted out. In the afternoon at 1:30pm we had dance with Jess and did our normal a warm up and corner work, then we started the BTS then at 3pm we had a dance then had a break until 3:15pm and kept doing the dance so we all know what to do but then we recapped the Dynamite dance again. Then we went home at 4:30pm. On Wednesday we had Jess for dance again and did a quick warm up for and did corner work, we did the BTS dance again and did some of the dance again so next week we can have a good idea on what to do. We then went over the bad dance again we started at 9:30am and had a break at 11am , we came back at 11:15am and finished at 12:30am.

Targets for week 4 :

My targets for week 4 is when we were all having a production meeting , I said I will start making the programs and posters as I am doing marketing for my role in project 2. On the weekend and my days of I will learn my lines and dances till week 4.

Week 4 :

Monday morning we had Steph again and we did act 1 again the whole entire act and it was with the afternoon cast till 11am.Then in the afternoon at 1:30pm we had a scrapbook meeting till 3pm and then had a break till 3:15pm , then we did a production meeting till 4:30pm making sure that everyone is up to date with everything. Tuesday morning we had Sara again, at 9:30am we did Act 2 to scene 4 again with the afternoon and evening till 11am then at 1:30pm we had Jess for dance and had a long warm up corner work to keep calm, then we had break at 3pm till 3:15pm . Then we did some more choreography on the Bad dance by Michael Jackson we did half of it and kept going over it again so everyone knew what they was doing, however we did do the whole of Act 1 with the dances . Wednesday morning at 9:30am Jess taught us the end of the Bad dance and started doing the celebration dance. In the afternoon at 1:30pm we did the whole of act 1 with lighting and set but, halfway through we had level 3 extended give us feedback on how we can improve when practicing we did this until 4:30pm.

Here is some notes from prodction meetings , dances and sets design:

This is one of our dances “Time Wrap”

This is another of our dances “celebration ”

Here is the dance “Bad”

Here is the dance “Accidentally in love ”

This is notes from our first production meeting:

Here is notes from our second production meeting :

Week 5 :

Monday we had Steph at 9:30am practicing for our project 2 on Thursday 14th December, we did a few warm up games to get us focus to when we are practicing. We played splat and a game were we walked around the room and made eye contact with each other but no laughing. Then at 10am we did our project to act 1 and 2 but we did both afternoon and evening with the dances is well so we do not get confused on the day as it is next week! Then our lighting and sound Usman came in so that Steph can direct us more and not shout from the other side of the room. This also helped us so we can feel like its the actual show. Then I had English at 11am till 12:30pm, we got let out at 12:15pm and went back to the studio were the level 3 were doing some of act 2 then we had lunch from 12:30pm till 1:30pm. After lunch we had Scrapbook from 1:30pm till 3pm and had a break till 3:15pm and when we came back we had a production meeting were we wanted all the stuff sorted out for the play as it was only two weeks away. Then we all went home at 4:30pm. Tuesday morning at 9:30am we had Sara and did the whole of act 2 and we tried practicing it without lines, but today it was the evening cast so we they know what they are doing whilst the evening cast was practicing I was doing marketing were I was setting out the chairs counting how many people can come for each peers in my class. The Level 2 including my self went to maths at 11am we got let out early at 12am and I went back to the studio to practice from what the level 3’s are doing. At 12:30pm we had lunch till 1:30pm, after lunch we had Jess for dance and finished of all the dances we know and started on one of the act 2 dances. At 3pm we then had a break till 3:15pm then went through the whole show, so it is easy that we keep practicing to know what we are doing we did this till 4:30pm. Wednesday Jess was ill so we had Steph but our dance captains Rosemarie Sutton and Anabelle Taylor we did a warm up with Rose for thirty minutes and then did corner work with Annabelle for 15 minutes, we did some turns for five minutes and started working on the don’t stop believing dance. We did this till 12:30pm, we had lunch from 12:30pm till 1:30pm we had ambition hub from 1:30pm till 4:30pm and had a free lesson to be relaxed from the show and at 4:30pm we went home. On Thursday we had our annual Christmas party, we did loads of games and had party food we had break at 11am and then had a dance competition till 12:30pm and then went home.

Targets for week 6:

My targets for week six will be to do more of the programs and then work out how many more chairs we can fit in. However need to keep learning lines, I also need to get my costume sorted out for Thursday 14th of December and make it easier so I do not need to stress and keep practicing the dances and learn the songs of the parts I need to sing.

Week 6 :

On Monday we had a rehearsal with Steph and Usman and went through the whole of act 1 and 2 with songs and dances. I then went to English at 11am and came back at 12:15pm so I can see what they did whilst I was in English to reflect on what to do in our next rehearsal. Then we had lunch from 12:30pm-1:30pm and then our studio was not used by the music students so we decided it was best for us that we added in a whole afternoon of rehearsals, we did this in costumes. For the first half we did the afternoon cast act 1 and 2, then in the second half we did the evening cast again act 1 and 2. Tuesday we had Sara in the morning at 9:30am and we had Usman doing the lighting, but this time without the dances and songs. At 11am I had maths and came back at 12pm where I came back and watched as they were doing the evening cast and giving them feedback at the end. Then we have lunch at 12:30pm-1:30pm. After lunch we had Jess for dance and did the whole way through the show with dances and songs we made sure is well that the dances were perfect so it did not look bad in the performance. Then we went home at 4:30pm. Wednesday morning Jess was ill so we had our dance captains to help us fix the dances and our spaces, we did this till 11am and then went through the whole show with the evening cast. At 12:30pm we had lunch, then we came back for our first dress rehearsal at 1:30pm were the evening cast did it we did this in front of the level 3 extended so they can give us feedback for our show on Thursday, we went home at 4:30pm. Thursday morning was show day! We had our final dress rehearsal were we did it with the afternoon cast and again we had the level 3 extended give us feedback for the show at 2pm. We finished this at 12:30pm and had a 1 hour and a half break till our afternoon show, the audience came in but there was no children there so the adults did not interact as much as we thought they would. After the afternoon performance we had a two hour break I saw my parents at first but then I went back to the studio, to help set it back up and be with my friends. The front of house needed help setting up the café for half time, and then it came to the evening show was fantastic! All the kids was sat at the front because they can interact and then after the show they got the kids to come up and dance with us. After everyone left we had get in a group circle lets just say we were all really happy an a lot of happy tears, saying how much we love each other and then Usman took a picture of the whole cast!

There is no targets for this week as it is now Christmas and have to wait for the next project but one target I can say for project 3 is be more confident for my self!

Pictures from rehearsals: