level 2 -project 1 – Research – Initial Assessment

The definition of sustainability = Sustainability is the amount of people making sure we have a long term of being able to live over a long amount of time, and making sure their is little damage to the environment.

Fishing : fishing is bad for the environment sustainably because loads of people like to fish which then kills more animals and that is really bad for the environment. However a lot of people do like to eat fish so then that will cause more fish to die and their are not a lot of people who are pescatarian because if more people are pescatarian then it will cause less damage to the fishes in the ocean.

sustainability of fishing can also conclude that we do not reduce the number of fish, this is because when a fish reproduces people tend to go fishing reducing the number of fish in the ocean. thus, resulting in less fish in the sea.

The definition of Recycling = Recycling is when you use something but then you reuse it again. This is better for the environment because it is better than using something then throwing it in the bin.

Sustainability for recycling is you make certain things that are bad for the environmentally friendly for example paper straws are more common now in restaurants because when they had plastic straws it kills all the fish in the ocean or any other type of animals so the government has advised Restaurants or food courts when giving drink to have paper straws instead of plastic.

The definition of Ozone = Ozone is a colorless gas that is made up of three different type of oxygens.

Sustainability of Ozone it is very bad for humans for example it can cause shortness of breath and breathing in Ozone can cause breathing problems such as asthma.

The definition of Plants = Plants are a living organisms that have

How I can be sustainable whilst i am in college is, I can be sustainable by putting recycle bins around the college so people do not litter. Also having bins around the college. If people want to smoke or vape their would be areas so you can not go anywhere if it is not a vaping or smoking place .

why is sustainability important to me ?

Sustainability is important to me because of the future generation all the stuff has been destroyed and everyone is not treating things as they should do. However our medication that we use every day to make us happy and healthy is made in factories which brings out smoke into the outside which then brings the air population down because of the bad smoke.

Sustainability group dance written down :

Ideas :

  • we would be different parts of the world
  • Changed weather within the dynamics
  • when the storms come we do turns around the front of the stage
  • contemporary dance work around the floor when the ice is melting
  • thunder storms will be jumps and leaps across the room

Costume :

  • to represent heat it would be yellow, orange and red
  • to represent ice it would be light grey and blue
  • also loads and LOADS of glitter

Movements :

. everyone would be round the room then suddenly stop when the weather changes stand still.

Music :

  • Vortex
  • symphony No.2 “under the trees voices”

Reflections over my first week of college :

Monday : on Monday I had a free period so i came in late and came into English we had a introduction to the course and did some games related to English . When i went into English I was very nervous about it because I have never met the people in the class or the teacher and didn’t know what to do until the teacher explained it to me. This links to my project because English is very important for acting . I need to improve in English language i need to improve my creative writing. then we had our lunch. After lunch we had Steph for a scrapbook session to put our course work together, for this course work I feel very confident about it because of how it was explained to me, after a hour we got to have a 20 minute break and then came back to lesson. Also finished most of the course work that we have done. At 4:30pm we went home.

Tuesday: Tuesday morning I had Sara for drama and we were planning a little play I felt very confident about it because i am close with everyone in that class. This links to my project because of having to create your own piece and not using a script this is called devised theater. I need to improve in having more confidence in myself by having to talk more people to talk to so I can be better at group work. Then in the afternoon I had Jess our dance teacher for the whole afternoon and we did dance on a certian choreographer.

Wednesday : On Wednesday i had Jess in B25 and we had a workshop , with a teacher from Dance united where they teach students who are not in education and have bad mental health. We did warm ups where we did jumps and touching are feet to the ground , after that we had a warm up where we did it on the floor with kicks and planks and so on. After that we learned a piece of performance that had been performed by dance united. However i did hurt my foot so I didn’t know what they did for the rest of the morning.

Thursday : On Thursday morning I had English because I had to retake my exam for English, and we did a lot of point and evidence work. After that I had maths and we did a game of bingo and did it on time tables. Then I went home .

Reflect in our dance lesson with Jess :

Choreographic Devices :

Retrograde = Performing a set movements backwards . For example ; walking forwards then right left right then it becomes walking backwards left right left .

Quality = Suspending a movement, suspending means to stop the movement completely.

Accumulation = when one dancers begin to perform a series of movement and other dancers join in at different times until all dancers are moving in unison.

Repetition = Repeat the movement exactly the same.

Tempo = When a movement is performed fast or slow without moving at all aka a pose .

Choreographers that we learned in dance classes :

Isadora Duncan : 1877 to 1927

. An American dancer and choreographer who became a pioneer in contemporary dance and instigated the interpretive dance movement.

Technique and style :

Duncan’s dance style was based on the freedom and liberty of the soul . Her movements came from the centre of her body , the solar plexus.

Influencer :

Duncan’s way of moving influenced and paved the way for future choreographers like Martha Graham, Mary Wigman and Fredrick Ashton.

Early life and Career :

Born in San Francisco in 1877 Duncan was one of four children . Her mother is a music teacher brought the children up in a polite and respectable manner despite their poverty. Duncan renounced Ballet from a young age and favoured more natural , free movement . Her first public appearance as a dancer were not well received and at the age of 21 (1998) she left United States and sailed to England on a cattle boat. Here she studied Greek sculptures at the British Museum and this informed a revival of her practise. In 1905 she embarked on a tour of Russia , which although controversial , left an impression . In 1913 a tragedy ended the lives of her 2 children and she attempted to open a dance school in Moscow to placate her grief however, WW1 put a stop to it . In 1927 Duncan was killed in an unfortunate accident where her scarf was caught in the wheel of a vehicle she was travelling in and her neck was broken.

Akram Khan – 1974 and still present

Akram Khan is an English Dancer and choreographer of Bangladeshi decent . His dance background is routed in Traditional Kathak Dance and Contemporary.

Early life and career :

Khan was born in Lambeth , London into a family from Dhaka in Bangladesh. He began dancing at the age of 7 when he trained in the Classical South Asian dance style of Kathak. His stage career began in 1984 when he appeared in a tour of “Tales of Mowgil ” which has produced by the Academy of Indian Dance . At the age of 13 he was cast in the Peter Brooks production of ” Mahabharat” for the Shakespeare company and toured the world performing it. He later went on to study at De Montfort University and the Northern School of contemporary Dance before performances of his own solo work in the 1990s.

Across his career Khan has collaborated with many different Artists and Organisations, his work is the embodiment of shared across multiple disciplines and cultures. Some of these Artists and Organisations are ; National Ballet of China , Kylie Minogue , Florence and the Machine , Visual Artist Anthony Gormley and Composer Steve Reich .

Akram Khan, The Jungle Book reimagined, Edinburgh International Culture Summit 2022 – YouTube

Reflective class we did in dance class on Tuesday :

  1. Me and the students in my class watched a documentary on a danced he choregraphed . We also did a group dance where it is apart of our project to finish the type of performance we have to do .
  2. I have learnt about a choreographer who is a Foreign dancer that does Traditional Kathak Dance and contemporary .
  3. I did well at helping other people who are non dancers at bringing ideas into the performance .
  4. The thing I found hard was putting our dance group in and bringing in at different times.
  5. What we should plan out our dance and how we wanted to do it .
  6. I fit within the dancer section of the performance .
  7. I need to prepare myself for how to work with other people and being more talkative to other people.

Reflections on my second week at college :

Monday : I had independent study in the morning so i study some of the English I learnt on my first week. Then I had a English lesson to prepare myself for my resits. Then I had a hour and a half lunch where I ate my lunch then practice my dancing to get better. After lunch I had a scrapbook lesson from 1:30pm till 4:30pm , where I can work on my assignment. Then I went home .

Tuesday : I had Sara for my drama lesson which we prepared some of our performance for October 10th. Where we are doing it based on sustainability. After a hour and a half lesson of maths to help me do my resits. Then I had lunch . After lunch we had dance with Jess and in the first lesson we did a warm up, stretching and we learnt a dance to show us what type of dancing in our lesson.

Wednesday : in the morning we had dance with Jess again and we had Dance United come in and do a workshop with us. We did a nice long stretch and then did a warm up and after that we did some corner work. After that she choreographed a dance based on Greta Thumburgs speech about the environment. After that we was allowed to go and create a little piece of dance, so we did the start of the teachers dance then changed it straight into the last move from the teachers dance and did some of our own. Then we went home.

Thursday : We had English at 9am till 11am and we wrote letters and speeches to prepare for paper 2. At 11am we had maths for a hour and half of maths and we just did revision sheets to remember certain types of maths thing. Then I home at 12:30pm.

Here is a image from dance united workshop :

Here is a dance that I did :


My third week at college

Monday : I had a independent study lesson where I learnt my child of the future letter and my quotes. Next I had English where we recapped on what we did last week. After lunch I had my scrapbook lesson , however I felt sick so I went home .

Tuesday: I had Sara for drama and started performing the beginning of the performance. Then I had maths and we did more revision sheets for a hour and half. Then I had lunch at 12:30pm till 1:30pm . then we had Jess and we did a dance for our performance we did a dance to Mathilda the musical to the song ” When I grow up ” to show how the environment is growing up and how it feels growing up with a bad environment. After that we did a group dance to the song and went into groups and made our own dance , however I hurt my foot so I didn’t had a chance to join in the group dance.

Wednesday: We had Jess for the morning and we did a warm up and had a stretch, after that I got taught the dance my group did on Tuesday as I wasn’t their. After that we had to teach group 3 the dance we made up and then group 3 taught us the group dance they made up, and had a recap on what Jess taught us on Wednesday and added some stuff onto it then we finished it. And I went home.

Thursday : I took the day of because I didn’t feel well.

On Tuesday the 26th of September we did drama with Sara and these where the aims and outcome:

Aim : To further develop practical performance materiafl in response to the given stimulus.

Outcomes :

. Develop focus techniques that can be applied in performance.

. Respond to given stimulus material to create original performance work .
. Apply ideas and take creative risks in tasks.

My fourth week at college :

Monday : I had a seizure so I didn’t go in.

Tuesday : I stayed at home because I felt ill.

Wednesday : we had Jess in the morning so we had dance and Jess did a quick warm up with us, then a stretch and for the rest of the morning we practice our performance we have on Wednesday at 1:30pm to the level 3 extended group and we did it with lights so, we know what it is like for our performance.

Thursday : I had English for the first lesson for a hour, and we did practice of paper 2 so we need to know how to write for our assessment next week. Then we had maths at 11am and we had it for a hour and a half, I missed a assessment so I did that but everyone else still did another assessment and now the other students in my class did a assessment that my teacher is going to go through on tuesday .

Friday : this is my day of but I did some work is well for English and maths.

Project 1 – research :

  1. what is the project ?

The project is on Sustainability to put a message across to people on the environment.

2. Research on the stimulus topic – Sustainability

Sustainability is the amount of people making sure we have a long term of being able to live over a long amount of time, and making sure their is little damage to the environment. fishing is bad for the environment sustainably because loads of people like to fish which then kills more animals and that is really bad for the environment. Sustainability is important to me because of the future generation all the stuff has been destroyed and everyone is not treating things as they should do.

3. Research on devised theatre

Devised theatre is , when actors who work of a script and create their own play. A example of a Devised theatre group is Frantic Assembly where they do chair duets and create their own scripts.

how is it used?

Devised theatre is used by putting a message across to people so they know what to do in the future what to do.

why is devised theatre used ?

Because if you use certain light shows what the different meaning is.

Why are we studying this ?

We are studying this because of our project is based on sustainability and it is great teamwork is well.

4 . Referencing :

When I grow up dance :



Project 1 – planning and production :


Images of the set :

https://bradfordcollegeac.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/TEAMTEAMUALLevelTwoandThreeDiplomainPerformingArts2324/EX0yXj0qz8NBqpEMwY6e-WABTE4TaZzR2XQs3HX_HaD2Ug?e=XPlMsH – this is a full run through of our project ,and we went backstage also with lights because we know what we are doing.

https://bradfordcollegeac.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/TEAMTEAMUALLevelTwoandThreeDiplomainPerformingArts2324/EX0yXj0qz8NBqpEMwY6e-WABTE4TaZzR2XQs3HX_HaD2Ug?e=XPlMsH – this is the dance where we are acting like children.

  • my costume will be all black because we do not have proper costume’s yet.
  • for the lighting it is mainly black and white because of the thunder and blue for the rain. For props we are using childhood teddy bear which represents the future of the child.


I would market buy having posters given out then put tickets online for £15 , this is a easier way of making people come to the show, and this is how is what most people do to sell tickets now for shows.

Risks :

Location – studio B25 ,Bradford college.

Date of assessment – Monday 9th October 2023

Assessed by – Polly Wragg

1 = the worst and 3= ok

  1. tripping over someone
  2. light going on fire
  3. water being spiled on stage before hand

Viva Questions Level 2 :

viva questions .docx

More guidance links :



Reflections of the performance week :

Monday : I had English for the first lesson , then we had a hour and half of lunch . After lunch we had Steph to finish of our course on the computer for the rest of the afternoon till 4:30pm

Tuesday : We had Sara first thing and we got to rehearse the whole thing through, by doing it with lights and making it feel it’s the real thing. Then we had maths after that we had lunch for a hour and half , then we came back to Jess and did the dances again for 20 minutes then went through the whole till 4:30pm

Wednesday: It was the day of the performance and we had the whole morning to practice the performance, then had lunch to prepare ourself and then we went back at 1:20pm so we can let the audience in . After the whole performance we had feedback from the level 3 extended. Then some people went home but me and my friends stayed with the level three where we did course work. Then went home .

Thursday: I came in at 9am and had English and did practice for paper 2 then finished 20 minutes early, and went to join level 3 extended and then after 15 minutes we went back to maths at 11am . Then in maths we did past papers, and got let out 15 minutes early so we went back to level 3 extended and went home at 12:30.


Certain styles and techniques :

when preforming a performance you have a very different types of techniques for example:

Cannons – a cannon is when one person does something and then repeating it over and over again

Levels – when using levels in a performance it shows the difference of a performance on how high or low the actors or dancers want their piece wants to be like.

Emotions – when using a type of emotion shows how you are reacting to that certain type of dance or script , so if it is a happy dance or script you would show how happy you are in those type of piece.

when me and my friend Annabelle did a dance piece and it was a lyrical dance and did different type of emotions and levels within the dance. When me and Annabelle choreograph this dance we are mainly lyrical dancers, so it is easy to get good emotions to show how our dance is.
