level 3 – Induction project – reflections

Level 3 – Induction project – reflections

Induction week:

Thursday 5th September:

On the first day we got into the college at 9:30am and had a meeting with Emma about the college rules and also about maths and English. This lasted till 11am and then we got told to go with our course teacher to go to our rooms. At 11:30am our teacher told us and media makeup the course about why we are two courses together. Then about half a hour later media makeup left and then we got a talk with Steph about the different type of projects that we would be doing over the year. At 12:30pm we then had lunch till 1:30pm. After lunch we had a tour of the college with media makeup, and this lasted till 2:15pm. Then we had a 15-minute break and then came back, and the media course came in because they are working with us this year because of our screen project so it is helpful for the project instead of doing it ourselves. We then got into groups for our scavenger hunt to know our way around college. Also to get to know each other well enough. We finished this at 3:30pm.

Friday 6th September:

At 9:30am we came back into college and are playing games because we did not get to know each other very well on the first day because of what we did on Thursday, so we did not get to introduce to each other very well. The first game we played was Splat and after that we played “What are you doing?” and before break we did a game where we did age order, shoe sizes and birthdays. Then finally we had a 15-minute break at 11am and came back at 11: 15am. After this we played more games and did a game where we learnt interesting facts about our partner, the first fact was “What do you like most about performing arts?” then “A interesting fact about themselves” also their name. Then we had lunch at 12:30pm to 1:30pm. After lunch we did our first course work lesson in C10 and me and the returning students already know what we are doing, so some of us went home. However, me and my friends stayed to start on some of our course work because we have more this year then we did in level 2.

Week one:

Wednesday 11th September:

 we had our first dance technique lesson everyone was very excited about this because some people have never had a technique lesson or just excited about the first day back at college. After about 30 minutes we got to learn some choreography from hairspray, and this lasted until lunch time. This was helpful for us because we got to have a incite of what we could do for our first project. Having technique lessons for this year can help the non-dancers on this course so we can all have better progression together through the year. After dance at 12:30pm till 1:30pm we had lunch. Once we came back, we had ambition hub and we got split into 2 groups, because this year’s group has a lot of students. The first group is a dance group who are performing a dance routine for the light cinema for people with special needs. The other group is doing a presentation on how to talk about resilience in performing arts. The group that I am in is the performance for light cinema. We warmed up for about 40 minutes then had a 15-minute break and then came back to learn the dance. We had to switch studios because the sound was still not working. So we decided to swap studios with the other group as B25 has better sound. Then we finished at 3:30pm.

Here is our hairspray dance:


Thursday the 12September:

Thursday morning, we had our first vocal session, Eric didn’t have all the equipment before our lesson so me and everyone helped to get the equipment for the lesson. Then we finally started our lesson so we can start our first vocal lesson. Our musical number we are doing is “Journey to the past” we have finished the chorus part and now we just need to pick someone to do the solo part at the beginning of the song. Then it came to 11am and we had our first dance technique lesson and first It was Jazz. We did a quick warm up and then a lot of corner work and we finished of the lesson with some choreography to “Beautiful people ” By burlesque. Then we went to lunch for 12:30pm. Once we came back from lunch at 1:30pm, we had our first project acting lesson when we had given our scripts for the acting part of our variety show, in my group is Amber, Kerrie and Oma. Our script is the most important one, so we focus every minute to get this right so it can be the best one because it is the most darkest one to be out of all the groups in the whole levels. We finished college at 4:30pm

This is our Burlesque dance that we did :


The song we have to do for our musical number :

Track with vocals :


Track with vocals :

Eric Hayes: Journey To The Past

Friday 13th September :

Friday morning at 9:30am we had our first proper theory lesson. Everyone came and try and log in to get start on with our course work, finally after 25 minutes everyone got onto their computers logged into digital space, most of them started working on it. Whilst I was finishing of my first week of reflections and halfway starting on research. Then we had a 15 minute break at 11am and then came back at 11:15am. After we all came back in the head of Ambition hub came in and did a talk about navigate and how it is useful to use it and how good it is for our coursework for extra marks. We had a test to do on navigate to help out with our course work. After this it was lunch time at 12:30pm and finished lunch at 1:30pm. After lunch we then came back for a acting technique lesson, we talked about certian acting method you can use or use in our course work. Then after about half and hour we then went for a break at 3pm had a 15 minute break came back at 3:15pm then worked on our scripts again and learnt our lines to be better and have a better understanding on what we are doing with how we are working in the play. Then finally we got home at 4:30pm.