Level 3 – Ambition Hub

My Navigate results :

My wellbeing :

  1. Being independent – 5 out 6
  2. Confidence – 3 1/2 out of 6
  3. Finacle skills – 3 1/2 out of 6
  4. Managing stress – 4 1/2 out of 6
  5. Physical health – 4 1/2 out of 6
  6. Resilience – 5 out of 6

My wellbeing skills :

The things I need to develop :

  1. Confidence – I need to improve on my confidence around other people when it came to a night out or going out with my friends.
  2. Finacle skills – In this subject I need to improve on how I need to save money to improve for the future.
  3. Being independent – This is the main one I need to improve on the most because it will improve my confidence on going into University.
  4. Managing stress – It is improving at the moment but it needs to improve more so I cant put myself into more stress in every environment I am in.
  5. Physical health – I need to help my self get out more because then this will also get my mental health better for the future.
  6. Resilience – Most of this I learnt in high school so I had more of an advantage on how resilience works.

My relationships :

  1. Building relationships – 4 1/2 out of 6
  2. Collaboration – 4 out of 6
  3. Communication – 4 1/2 out
  4. Community and Social Action – 5 1/2 out of 6
  5. Leadership – 4 1/2 out of 6
  6. Online relationships – 5 out of 6
  1. Building relationships – For me personally its hard to meet new people unless my friends make me more confident around other people then I start to feel my normal self around them.
  2. Collaboration – I sometimes do like to collaborate on things but if its in a important meeting then I would get more scared around other people.
  3. Communication – It depends on what type of situation I am in then I will be fine but if it is a situation then I would be more uncomfortable if I did not know what was happing around me.
  4. Community and Social Action – Sometimes when it comes to being social around new people I do get scared but if it is people I know then I am fine it just depends on the social area I am in.
  5. Leadership – Most of the time I am quite good at it depending on what the environment is if it came to teaching then I would be good at it.
  6. Online relationships – When it comes to group chats I do not really like it because its just a lot of people talking to each other at once so normally I would just mute the group or I would leave the group. If I am one to one with one of my friends then I am fine.

My future :

  1. Careers skills – 4 out of 6
  2. Creativity – 4 1/2 out of 6
  3. Critical thinking – 5 1/2 out of 6
  4. Customer service – 3 1/2 out of 6
  5. Digital skills – 2 1/2 out of 6
  6. Enterprising – 3 out of 6
  7. Time management – 4 1/2 out of 6
  1. Careers skills – I need to focus more on this side of things for my future because I want to be a dance teacher when I am older so I need to get onto my future career skills more.
  2. Creativity – This is the most one I am mainly focused on at the moment to make my future better.
  3. Critical thinking – Sometimes I need other people to help me in these sort of situations because I do not know what people are saying certian situations.
  4. Customer service – Personally I have never normally done this myself because I have no experience.
  5. Digital skills – My digital skills are ok but its not normally the one I am more focused on in the type of career I am in it needs to be more focused on this side is well if I am going to be doing this in University.
  6. Enterprising – I am not quite sure what this actually means because I do not really do it that much.
  7. Time management – Most of the time I am quite good at this because most of my hobby’s include time management so I know when to go to my lesson and finish my lesson.

Week one of Ambition Hub :

Every Wednesday at 1:30pm all of level 2,3 and 3 extended. This year we have been split into two groups for ambition hub, Group one is doing a performance for the light cinema. Group 2 is doing a talk about how resilience work with doing Performing arts. My group is the one for the light cinema for performing arts. The first lesson we did, Jess did a warm up with us then corner work and then we got a 15 minute break. After are break we switched studios because our music was not working well in B41. We got into B25 and then had started on the dance performance for “Does your mother know?” and we started the chorus part.

The beginning of our dance :
