Level 3: Project 2, Task 4 – Podcast | Editing and Evaluation

To record, I used a wireless lavaliere microphone and my phones voice recorder. I sat on the floor of my room, by a desk, to try to concentrate the audio more.

To put all the recordings together, I used the app ‘Super Sound’, and used the ‘merge audios’ option to stitch all the recordings together quickly than it would be manually.

I then put that on my onedrive, uploading the audio and podcast logo cover to premier pro. I briefly edited the audio, changing some of the options to make mic static and background noises fade, and my voice clearer and louder, as well as syncing the cover picture display time with the length of the audio.

After exporting, I had some trouble finding the project as it saved under a different name and put itself into an unrelated folder. This caused me to download the project three times before I found it in the hidden folder – however, the later recordings were clearer, so I used one of those than the original one I exported.

After renaming and correctly filing the project, I uploaded it to youtube as an unlisted video. Like the exporting, this obliviously also took longer as it is a three hour video.

What didn’t I like/What would I do differently?

  • I’d give myself more time to edit and let everything process and render so I could make my voice clearer than it is in the final product, letting the listener understand my words better
  • I’d try to speak louder and slower
  • I would make sure my microphone is in a good position, close to the point of sound, and isn’t picking up any other noises that could disturb the audio
  • I would also try to convert my thought process into a clearer script so everything is in sections and properly organised with the relevant information
  • If I did something similar again, I’d want to spend more time in post, fixing the background noises and audio levels, but also make intro, outro, and divider music to make it more professional and broken up, distinguishing certian topics and themes from others

What did I like/feel I was successful in?

  • I am quiet pleased with how the editing turned out, as I’ve never really used Premier Pro before, especially not for audio editing, and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to put it together
  • I also like how the overall outcome of the podcast came out as I covered most of the topics and gave a lot of information and opinions that I had planned – despite forgetting some points I was going to include
  • I managed to speak a bit louder and clearer than the last time I made a podcast, also becoming more confident and comfortable as I continued
  • I am proud of the amount of research and external information I sourced for the topic as well as taking real life examples and situations to draw conclusions and evidence