FMP, Task 1 – Idea Generation

My concept for the FMP is to create a youtube video on consciousness. I will research consciousness as in depth as I can and compile it into a script which I will then use for my video. I will research the basic fundamentals and understandings of consciousnesses, philosophical questions, sociological issues within this topic, refer to scientific research, scholarly articles, as well as sharing my own experience with some of the subtopics and hopefully an interview with someone else’s perspective and opinions.

I will aim to edit this video on my laptop, as the last time I used my phone to edit clips on, the device did not support the size of the file and had to compress it, meaning frames were out of time and it took longer to export.

I will edit relevant clips, articles, and videos into the video, and make sure all my citations are accurate, verified and trustworthy.

While filming the video, I will also be practicing Trad Goth makeup, making the video a Get Ready with Me/tutorial, as well as a video essay. This is so I am less likely to get distracted, and give both me and the potential viewer something to focus on and stay actively engaged with.

I also aim to use this as a small social experiment; comparing how people treat me when outside in, what is considered more ‘normal’ clothing, compared to how people treat and react to me when I’m dressed in a more unusual way. This comes back to the idea of ‘perceived consciousness’; the concept that someone will assume another is less intelligent, or has less autonomy, when they present differently to the average person, whether that be due to appearance, behavior, race, gender, sexuality, or disabilites. This includes assumptions, and presumptions, backed with little to no evidence, as well as prejudices towards a certain minority.

Ideally, I would want to make a google form to share in order to conduct my own research based upon these ideas, and gain rough statistics and insight into how accurate these concepts actually are, the groups they are most common within, how it affects peoples daily lives, and the length this discourages youth (and all age groups) to truly, and freely, express themselves (whether that may be through, fashion/presentation, identity, political stances, etc) due to the fear of judgement, bias, and even infantilization, within everyday life; as well as the problem many neurodivergent (especially autistic) people face, of hiding your true self from everyone around you, and within your life (masking), and never feeling like sharing this information about yourself is possible due to the (very likely) possibility of being patronized, othered/outcast, having your experiences minimized, rejection, humiliation, privacy and trust breached, and stereotyped, among many other polarizing outcomes.

Autistic trauma and mate crime.

Inspiration for the makeup are as follows: