FMP – Self-Evaluation

What would I do differently?

  • Next time, I would choose a topic that is less diverse and mainly opinion/theory, as there isn’t a direct answer to consciousness and it is mostly science and philosophy based – this means there is also an endless amount of research that is difficult to sort through.
  • I would start making the script sooner, and as I go, rather than writing once I have done the research, so that I can get all the thoughts, ideas, and facts down effectively.
  • I would set a specific date to record the video and be done by, as well as editing.
  • I would make a schedule of each small part, estimate how long they’ll take, And make an effective timetable.
  • I would set up the relevant equipment and items (e.g. makeup, books, etc.) and test the lighting and sound prior to recording, and asses any possible risks (e.g equipment being turned off/falling, distractions, background noise, etc.)
  • Choose a time of day when it is quietest and determine where the best area for lighting is, as well as camera angles etc.
  • Familiarise myself with common editing and production softwares within the industry, as when I was recording I cut myself off a few times and almost lost the first ten minutes of the audio.

What do I feel I was successful in?

  • I feel I was successful in finding and extracting research from various articles, videos, and writing through a relevant time span.
  • I feel I was successful in conducting my own research, despite not having access to a decent sample size for consistent/accurate data.
  • I feel I was successful in researching and branching into the different elements of subtopics and ordering them into subtopics.
  • I feel I was successful in recording the audio in one take without as many pauses as I had previously.