Novel: Perk Analysis

In this section, I will be looking at the designs of the perks and how I can utilise them to add details to the advertisements. I will also be talking about the effects of the perks and links to things I can involve in the process of creating an effective advertisement.

For my project, I have decided to focus on 2 main perks. These perks are:

  • Juggernog – Increases total health
  • Double Tap – Increases fire rate and doubles bullet damage

I chose these 2 perks because they were the first perks to be released. They also all have the best perk jingles in my opinion and are the most recognisable perks. Along with the release of the map “Shadows Of Evil”, these 2 perks also had revamped jingles in the style of the map that I will also be looking into to further analyse the perks and consider the creative choices I could make. Choosing 2 perks also allows me to make a nice mini collection that will fit well together without overwhelming myself with work.


Juggernog is a perk that is featured in Call of Duty: Zombies. This perk increases players health allowing them to take more damage from enemies. The effect is hinted at in the name, as it is a portmanteau of the words “juggernaut” and “eggnog”. The soda is also made with the base ingredients of eggnog (milk and eggs), with the ingredients list reading, “Carbonated milk, powdered crocodile eggs, spinach juice, pure gumption, and is fortified with iron.”

After some searching, I found a high quality 3D render of the original machine created by William Leggatt, a talented 3D artist. As shown in the gallery, the machine has the main colour of red, which is widely associated with themes such as hunger, fearlessness and power. These themes link very well to the perk because it looks to provoke hunger so it looks appetising to consume, it promotes fearlessness because of the effect of the perk (increasing health) providing safety to you and it links to power because it makes you feel more powerful being able to withstand more damage. The writing on the machine also links to various things, such as the “MADE WITH REAL EGGS” on the front linking to the ingredient of powdered crocodile eggs and the facts that eggs are used in the making of eggnog.

Juggernog is also typically associated with links to drinks such as Coca Cola, with a similar style of traditionalism with the perk jingle and typical Coca Cola advertising. This means that I will be using Coca Cola advertisements for some ideas on what I can do to bring Juggernog to life.

Double Tap

Double Tap is a perk that is featured in Call of Duty: Zombies. This perk doubles the damage of the bullets and increases the fire rate of the users weapon. This perk is based on the idea of the double tap, a shooting technique that is credited to William Ewart Fairbairn and Eric A. Sykes, British police chiefs working in Shanghai during the 1930s. This techniques was developed to overcome the limitations of full-metal-jacketed ammunition which can sometimes fail to cause sufficient damage. The name of this technique was later popularised in the hit film Zombieland (2009) where the technique of the “Double Tap” was one of the main rules followed by the protagonist of the film. This was cemented further in the titular sequel Zombieland: Double Tap (2019).

While the original recipe was never shown, there is a canned version that was shown with the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War that has a recipe list containing “Lemon juice, lime shavings, high octane gasoline, vitamin K, capsaicin, jumping bean extract”.

The main colour used in double tap is orange. This colour is widely associated with optimism, enthusiasm and youthful connections. These fit well with the idea of Double Tap, as the jingle has been shown to be uplifting and happy, enthusiastic and very joyful. Being youthful is also linked to ideas of being faster and more energetic, exactly what the perk promotes with lines such as “Cowboys can’t shoot slow” in the jingle.


I have some ideas from this on various themes I can use throughout the project. I will be using the background of these drinks to create engaging and interesting images with good semiotic themes.