Throughout this project, I have been using some new materials, ideas and techniques to create my final pieces. These have included crafting my own props, using different models and overcoming different challenges.
Going chronologically, I began by finding a novel. Because of the nature of my specialist industry practice, I wanted to find something that I could advertise in a book. I had some ideas off the bat such as “Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans” from Harry Potter or the “Everlasting Gobstopper” from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. However, these seemed to employ tactics that I would not be able to apply as much to other projects. However, I was able to find a graphic novel that has links to a line of drinks that are available in the world of the novel. These drinks are perfect for advertising as they all come with a personalised machine they are dispensed from and a jingle to go with them.
I also discovered the idea of creating some propaganda for a form of political advertising, but I decided that it would be ethically questionable to create some, especially based around the World Wars.
I first decided to go for 2 drinks to advertise so I wasn’t too overwhelmed with different ideas and shoots. I then did some more research into both these jingles and the drinks as a whole to try and discover different themes I can use for the advertising. After this, I managed to settle on some themes to use through use of my chosen artist research. I developed these into working ideas through test shooting and further brainstorming, and I eventually landed on my finished idea.
I experimented throughout the time with using different techniques to create or add to the images, such as using cyanotypes and light painting. However, these techniques didn’t have much of a place in my current idea. I will be keeping these ideas in the back of my mind for my future projects.
After going through test shoots and ideas for editing through experimentation, I managed to complete my final shoots. I had to get through a few issues such as the ethics of using a noose in the shoot, organising timings and makeup with models and developing new techniques like using gels inside of box lights. Through all of this, I was able to create 2 final pieces that I feel accurately portray the products in a stylised way. I was able to use influence from my chosen artists to discover ways to create a good looking final product and the influences worked very well.