Nerdforge is made up of Norwegians Martina and Hansi, two artists and builders who create lots of different cool props and general works of art to decorate their studio and to also gift to other people. Some examples of this were when they combined an entire book series into one book, spraypainted a car for her younger brother and turned her workspace into a wizard’s study. These are a testament to their ability to create accurate and detailed designs with specialties in fine art, painting and overall creation with materials such as XPS foam and resin. However, because of my theme I will be looking into the video below.
In this video she is tasked with creating a cool looking PC case for a build that a tech youtuber is creating. For the theme, she decided to do a cyberpunk looking case. The use of the LED’s mixed with the dark spaces to look like the nightline of a cyberpunk city street really interested me and gave me some inspiration for what I wanted to do for this image. The main influence was the lighting, using neon pink/magenta with neon blue/cyan in combination with darkness to create a big contrast. This darkness will be created by the darker clothing that the model will be wearing, as experimented with in Future: Primary Research.
Game of Thrones
The idea for this came when I thought of the different things I could make with the idea of #BuildingWithAccu that I explored back in Future: Researching Types of Electronics. After I came to the conclusion that I could build something with parts that Accu would normally use, like nuts and screws. This is when I looked to what is probably the most famous and most recognisable prop in all of Game of Thrones.

This is the throne upon which the King of the Andals and the First Men sits. It is a very cool looking prop and I was thinking that I could build a miniature throne from various parts and use perspective and clever editing to make a model appear as if they were sat upon it, appearing as royalty. This could fit with the cyberpunk theme, but I was further incentivised during a trip to Accu, during which I discovered the existence of this bridge screw.

My idea for this was that it could be wielded as a sceptre that a traditional monarchy would use as a form of coronation, most commonly used in the British monarch and part of a collection known as the “Crown Jewels.” The orb that is also commonly used alongside the sceptre could be replaced with a CPU cooler I found among some computer parts at the college, mimicking the shape of the orb while staying with the theme of computers and technology. This cemented my final idea.
After discovering this, I was able to contact Accu and they allowed me to use these bridge screws for my project.