Kyle Nutt
Kyle Nutt is a photographer and videographer who shoots a lot of different types of photography. However, he typically shoots with models. Some of these photographs utilise different types of light photography, usually in the form of portals. These portals were what I used for my shoot into the idea of “Dreams.” However, this shot below is one of my particular favorites.

This shot shows an astronaut stepping out of a doorway of light into what appears to be another planet. This was taken with the use of light photography, using a long light bar to create a doorway. This was also taken in a rocky desert to make the shot look it is on another planet. The smoke in the background that has been added in also adds to this look. The lighting placement manages to highlight the astronaut in an interesting way, splitting the light around them and creating a spot that contrasts the blinding light of the door. The framing of this picture shows a wide expanse of empty space, showing that this area is unexplored. The vantage point is straight on, putting us on the level of the astronaut as they step out of the doorway, only showing us what they are able to see. This also makes the expanse seem more mysterious.

Another picture I found was of this astronaut in the Great Salt Lake in Utah. This shot shows the astronaut centre frame with his body reflected in the red lake. This shot is based on the absurdity of the lake, making this shot seem otherworldly, therefore making the astronaut fit the theme. The framing of the image is phenomenal, mainly focused on the astronaut that is split apart by the ripples in the water that distort the space around them, thereby distorting the reflection. I also particularly like this shot because of the gradient of colouring in the water. The way the further back water has just as slight tint of red and moves forward to be fully red looks almost edited, despite being fully natural.
This would be an interesting idea to explore, however it would be difficult to find a location which creates as much intrigue and is as mysterious as this while fitting with the theme in a realistic travel distance.
Tapestry is a media production agency based in Soho, London. According to their website, “For over 50 years we have worked with global brands, agencies, photographers and publications to build a reputation of the highest quality.” Their focus is on technology and gaming is something that I personally enjoy and is also an ever-growing and evolving industry. The phrase “technology” encapsulates multiple different things, including medicine, computing, electronics or agriculture. However, I would like to focus on the more electronically based portion of technology, much like Tapestry does.

This is an image that was taken showing the functionality of the Playstation Virtual Reality. This picture shows somebody immersed in a virtual world, seeming almost as realistic as reality itself. This is shown by how they are looking past the headset and it is as if they are looking into the game itself. The game that is used for the promotion, Beat Saber, uses a neon colour palette with multiple world defying and physics defying graphics. This makes the world look much more vibrant and interesting, attracting the viewer. This image is taken from a slightly lower vantage point, although it is not enough to make any stylistic difference.