I knew that I wanted to create a chair, and the most sensible resource for that seemed to be nuts. They were hexagonal and almost all nuts are that shape, making them easy to slot together into a sheet. I could then arrange these sheets to make a chair. For the project, I decided to buy a few packs of assorted stainless steel nuts, which would make the chair look more varied

My goal was to make the chair just a bit shorter than a litre water bottle, so I used a Tesco litre water for reference.

To begin, I decided how I wanted to make the sheets. This was by combining nuts together of the same size. An example is shown below.

These are the screws I would start off with. I would plan on using soldering to combine them, but I was using tin for my soldering and because the screws are stainless steel, they wouldn’t stay together. This meant I had to try using PVA, but it would stick hard enough. My solution was superglue, which stuck together perfectly without creating too much mess.

I would then place the screws like this, using a knife or other precise implement to guild the nuts together tightly. This meant that the pattern would be maintained without any small changes.

After gluing them together, this is how it turned out. It was very sturdy, so I knew it wouldn’t collapse under its own weight.
After this, I would make the sheets and combine them all together with superglue. After adding some longer screws on the back for the sword effect from the Iron Throne, the chair was complete. After shooting with the lighting for the shoot, the chair looked like this: