Future: Client Description

The client for this project is a company known as Accu. This company is involved in the engineering, manufacture and sales of various engineering components and tools, such as screwdrivers, screws, nuts, bolts and wrenches. These are all made with a focus on quality, accessibility and speed of production and delivery. Accu pride themselves on their 750 million components sold, 4.8/5 customer rating, 24/7 customer support and fast worldwide delivery.

This is the page you see when you first go to the Accu website. It has a similar interface to Amazon, with a search bar, option for currency and location, sign in and checkout basket on the top of the screen. This easy to navigate page promotes the idea of simplicity, one of the company’s main tenets. The use of blue for the website theme feels trustworthy and secure, giving the customer confidence in the products and company.

Looking further down the page we can see more similarities to competitors such as Amazon and Screwfix, dividing the different products into sections for easier access. These are all showcased in a small picture along with the text to not only show that they have them, but to show the sheer variety of different things that they have. Putting them on white to match the background also puts more focus directly onto the items. This is also where the 24/7 Customer Service chat appears, shown by the icon in the bottom right.

Going down more shows the main slogan of the company: We’re Helping Build Tomorrow. This slogan has multiple meanings. The first meaning is the idea that they are helping build the future, helping engineers reach new heights and helping provide the materials to bring us closer to the future technology. The other meaning is linked to the delivery speed, showing that from when you order, you will be able to start building your project tomorrow because of the speed of delivery.