Dreams: Evaluation

Exploring the topic of dreams was a good experience overall. My interpretation was able to fit well with my technique that I based my final piece around and it helped me learn this new technique very well. I was able to explore the content of a photographer and videographer that I am a personal fan of and with tips from that artist I was able to execute the technique to a degree that I am happy with. I stumbled upon some issues such as the time I had to shoot, troubles starting out with shaping the portal and some troubles with my hard drive resulting in me almost losing part of my shoot, but I was able to adapt and overcome those through practice and hard work.

The light painting technique was very run to use and to experiment with. As it is very versatile, I may keep pursuing this technique in future shoots and topics. I have enjoyed using this to also experiment with the studio and the facets available to create nice lighting effects.

Overall, I believe that I have been able to explore the topic of “Dreams” and come out the other side with an outcome that I am happy with.