In my previous project, I started to explore my specialist practice through the lens of “Fear”. This led me down the route of Halloween, which linked well to the idea of product shooting and fear quite well. I was able to further advance various techniques, such as lighting, use of colour theory, semiotic analysis and studio etiquette. I will be further focusing on advancing these techniques and integrating these into my work more. I want to focus more on semiotics for this project, so I will be putting more focus into putting the themes into the photos with more effort, making use of props, wordplay and clever editing to do so.
My aim is to create a group of shots based on the Perk-a-Colas that are featured in the world of the graphic novel “Call of Duty: Zombies”. I was looking into the idea of doing a propaganda style shoot to try and rally people together behind one of the organisations in the story, but I realised after doing some research that the group was very secretive and did not want their work exposed, so it would not make much sense for them to put out propaganda to get people to enlist in their group. This led me to looking into the Perk-a-Colas, where I found a brilliant product that I could do work on. There is a lot of them and they all have different themes, so I will be sticking to 2 of them: Juggernog and Double Tap. I will be using models and various props that I will be searching for to be able to create semiotic links to the products and I will be experimenting with lighting techniques to see which works best with the bottles and the props.
During this project, I will make sure to keep linking back to the previous parts of my project to make sure I am keeping on track with my objectives and my artist research. This will allow my work to be more fluid and easier to follow, keeping a good amount of order so the working process goes more smoothly.