Stimulus Expression- Practical Assessment


Overall I’m happy with how the look turned out, but if I had more time I would’ve painted the arms more and paint down to my model’s waist as shown in my design charts, but I decided not to because it wouldn’t have been achievable in the 2 and a half hours we had to apply the look. The airbrush is patchy in some places, most noticeably around the shoulders and on the top covering my model’s chest in the folds of the fabric. This could have been avoided if I used my model’s bare skin and nipple covers but I wouldn’t have felt comfortable doing that. My model didn’t like the feeling of the airbrush, especially on her face so I used greasepaint on her face and parts where the airbrush was patchy on her body. I think the oil paint effect with the grease paint was successful. I airbrushed some of the hair to make it appear grey but it would have looked better if I airbrushed all of it. I also think I should have back combed the hair more so it would hold more shape.