Logic Experimentation

To familiarise ourselves with Logic, we were asked to recreate the tetris theme by inputting notes into a midi region by pressing ‘b’ for pencil and changing the note duration by exiting pencil mode and dragging the note to the desired length. Then, we were asked to choose different tones to see what sounded good or closest to the original.

To start our final composition, we were offered some techniques to work on a main melody. One of them was working based off of visual presentation, which was a line suggesting pitch between bars.

This didn’t personally work for me as I’m a bit too much of a perfectionist, but it was interesting to experiment with pitch in a melody determined by a line.

cover experimentation with waveforms + refer to presentation from lesson

write about features of game music that keep us entertained and immersed

repetition, syncopation

complete case studies of game music, something easy like mario