Project 1 SMART Targets
Research & Context – This term I could have looked at relevant local gigs and how they’re managed in order to apply this research to this gig and have a more developed idea of how other organisations and people set up in comparison. This could have given me ideas on how to work quicker and more effectively, depending on what I would find. To apply this concept to other projects, I should start thinking outside of the box and thinking of real-life examples to apply to what I’m doing so that I have a deeper understanding of alternative ways of working through the project. I should also start referencing appropriately as I tend to forget to, so I could put links at the bottom of my pages linking them with *, and I may want to start finding information from other spaces, like using the college library or online using interviews and articles. I should review this at the end of project 2’s assessment. This is important to me as it’s the area I tend to spend most of my time on, so I should be thinking about it in a logical way in order to get the best grade I can.
Evaluation – I need to look at reflective cycles in order to stay consistent with the structure of my evaluation and reflection, as well as variate and experiment with how I document my work. I should try voice notes, as I haven’t done that before, and stay consistent with recording my own videos for either rehearsal or evaluation. This is mostly for my own benefit of knowing I don’t have to write everything and it’s not as stressful as it may appear sometimes. I should keep checking in with myself on how I’ve documented things and remind myself that not everything has to be written. I should review this at assessment of project 2 as well. This is important to me as it’s the only area that I got below a distinction / excellent grade in project 1, as I got a good / merit grade.
Personally, I feel as though my work comes in bursts outside of college hours as my enthusiasm for the project varies greatly at home, though I feel I work best at home. This is fine, as work is getting done, but I think I need to work on consistency in places that I can, like following a personal schedule for time dedicated to college work. I could do this by choosing two days of the week where I must work for an hour or two regardless of how I feel or how busy I am, since I know I’ll work at other times randomly anyway. This ensures work is done on a good timeframe and makes it easier to manage my time, and it prevents me from leaving sections of my work until last minute since I requested three day extension last project. I can measure how effective this is by reviewing how I work during the hour or two each day after I’m done with that work, as well as looking at different study techniques and timeframes that work for me, as well as asking for feedback on how much more organised my work appears. This is important to me to prevent stress and ensure that my work is always done to as high a standard as I can manage. I will try follow this plan until the end of project 2, then review the plan and change it accordingly for project 3.
For myself, in short:
Evaluate and reflect using different forms (video, audio, written)
research local and relevant things to each project + reference information from different sources accordingly
schedule a couple hours on two days of the week dedicated to college work