- This artwork is inspired by a photo that I took while I was traveling in Latvia. I redrew the photo. I really like how it turned out. It gives a cartoony look. It reminds me of an animated movie ‘Up’.
- I love how the hot air balloon represents journey, I might use it more often in my works.
- I really like how the colours look on the hot air balloon and the shading.

This is a picture that it was inspired by:

- I used one of my photos from Latvia. It’s a tunnel made out of leaves. I really like how this design turned out. It’s a new style that I tried. I love how the colour palette looks.
- I think the picture of a tunnel really represents this project’s theme ‘journey’, because at the end of a tunnel there is always a new journey and adventures.

- I tried Alex Trochut’s style and made a design inspired by one of his work. I don’t really like how it turned out, I think the tree was not needed.
- I drew my homeytown’s, Jelgava, castle. The colours are not put like the real castle’s.
- I chose 3 colours that are from Emblem of Jelgava.
- I noticed that Alex blurred in some places. I wanted to give it a try but I don’t like how it turned out.
- If I draw in his style again I’m going to use a smaller brush.

This is the picture that I was inspired from:

- I tried a new style. I kind of like the idea but don’t like how it turned out. The colours don’t look good together, in my opinion.
- I drew random lines, inserted the same photo that I used in the background and inverted the colours. I added shadows for a 3D look.
- I like that a train is included in the picture as it shows that i’m going on adventures.

- I removed the inverted lines but left the shadows on the image.
- I like how it looks without the lines. I think this is even better than the previous design.

- I tried to make a 3D art in Adobe Illustrator. I saw on social media how people made it and I wanted to try it out.
- It wasn’t easy to make, I was struggling with selecting my own drawnings, so I used objects like circle, stars and a rectangle.
- Because of the used objects I don’t really like how this artwork turned out. The lines are too straight. But, at the same time you can quite tell what I drew.
- It was meant to be a hot air balloon to represent “Adventure”.
- I’m not sure why the quality isn’t good and the colours are dull.
- I like the colours that I chose, they look nice together.

- This art is inspired by a graphic designer Lucas Menetrier.
- I tried to make it almost in Luca’s artstyle by adding a layout that was almost like the one that he used.
- I drew things that remind me of adventures – hot air balloon, airplane and a tunnel of leaves that you can go through.
- I used the same colours on the hot air balloon as on my first graphic design.
- I tried to make it in a cartoony look, because I noticed that Luca’s does the same.
- I made a GIF using this design.

- It was inspired by this graphic design.

- This graphic design isn’t really representing anything, I made it to test motion blur in Adobe Photoshop.
- I still included it to my project because I mentioned ‘Journey’, which is this project’s main theme.
- I added green colour because it reminds me of adventures in nature.