On the first day of college, we made a spider diagram where we wrote our ideas for our project ‘DREAMS’.

I searched for some graphic desgins that I liked. Those are examples of what graphic design is.
My favourite style is the ones with black and pink, and black with blue. If i’m right the style is called “Typography”.

I asked some of my friends what does ‘DREAMS’ mean to them and I made it as a graphic design.
A lot of people mentioned fantasy. Some said dream car, nightmare – specifically sleep paralysis, desires and wishes.
I asked them what colours remind them of dreams. Most of them said purple, white, black and dark blue. I chose two for this design.

Chip Kidd was born in Pennsylvania. Throughout his career, he has been a graphic designer, book designer, editor, author, lecturer and musician.
He is well known for his work on book covers.

His work has been featured in magazines, like in Vanity Fair, Time, The New York Times, Graphis, New York and ID magazines.
Kidd has also written about graphic design for Vogue, The New York Times, the New York Observer, Arena, Details, The New York Post and Print magazines.
He developed his own style of unusual book cover designs. He and became notable as a sort of maverick in the industry.

I am inspired by his book cover designs, I think they are very interesting, unusual and creative. He’s designs have a lot of different styles and colours.
One of my favourite graphic designs that Kidd made is ‘Men of Tomorrow’.

I chose this artists for my last piece. I intend using his ‘Men of Tomorrow’ layout for my last piece.
I got all this information from:
Van Gogh’s parents weren’t happy that he chose to be a artist, but it did not stop him. He still worked hard to improve his skills. Van Gogh’s uncle, Anton Mavue, gave painting lessons to him in The Hague.
He practised drawing and frequently worked out of doors.
His brother Theo supported Van Gogh financially so he could focus entirely on his art.

His first commision was by his uncle. It was 12 drawings of city views in The Hague. It gave him opportunity to develop his perspective skills.
In Nuenen Van Gogh drew sketches and painted workers, weavers and farmers.

In my opinion his work, especially ‘The Starry Night’, is great for this project. Most of his work looks like a fantasy and dreamy.

I intend using some of his work on my own graphic designs and use him for my last piece.
I got all of this information on: