this is a drawing i did from the beetles cover album, I did this image in particular because it relates to my album cover work and my primary road research. The angle of the road and 4 guys infront were definetly the most fun parts about the drawing.
For the drawing i only used pencil, since the the size of my drawing was 12 by 12cm it was a little difficult adding as much detail as i wanted but i tried my best. To cover for the amount of detail in the actual image i added more blocky shadows while leaving enough white points. I thought drawing the 4 men would be quite a challenge but my previous work on annatomy such as my tribal GIF, made it very easy. The part i had difficulty with the most was the cars since ive never incooperated them into my drawings however i may practice drawing them more as they obviously fit well with roads.

This is 1 of my primary images i have on roads, to me this has a lot of reminence to the drawing with the big road and cars, i feel like i can do my own original peice using this picture whilest mixing in elements of the album cover.
Overall im very happy with how the drawing turned out, if there was one thing i could change it would be the initial size since i would have added more detail.

I followed up the album cover with this digital piece, although it is unfortunatly not complete but either way i am still very happy with the end result.