To start of with the dark room i wanted to do an image relating to my project so i decided to draw a native american warrior.I had inspiraton from some images online, at first i was thinking of drawing a man on a horse but then ultimately decided on this instead.

After that i scanned the image onto photoshop and printed out a normal and negative version onto tracing paper for the dark room.

The three images above were the outcome of the darkroom, im really happy with how it turned out. However i wish the images didnt have so many dark bloches and blurry parts, but other than that im glad they kept the intergrity of the original drawing

Instead of stopping there i decided to scan the darkroom images back into photoshop and play around with the colours which lead to the 2 images above. I achived this by changing the saturation, contrast and colours which brought a completly different look to the images. Since its my first time using the darkroom i didnt really know what to expect but im glad to say im happy with the final outcome