I decided to do an artist page on T.C. Cannon since the culture im doing is native americans, he felt like a really good choice because his work stood out alot from other native american artists. The pecision in colour and detail is what made his work really stand out for me as it makes the textures look really clean and smooth
for my own work i started of with decidng how i would aproach this since i knew i wanted to keep the overall design similar while also adding different media. So i decided to do the outline of my design digitally as i not only found it easier with the tools provided but i also wanted to expiriment.

This is what my design looked like at first, the main difference being the position of the person. After that i added clothing details and background details along with some differen designs. i did this all on sketch which is free in the google play store, the app has alot of great qualitys which allowed me to make the outlines sharp and focus on the small detailes with ease. Instead of using color on the app i decided to print the outline onto sketching paper which to my suprise looked alot better than excpected.If there was somthing i wish i added more it would be more background detail however i also feel like it works to its advantage with a more simplified look.

Instead of using colors in sketch i used colouring pencils which gave it a pretty cool look with the smooth and also rough texture i could get.I still kept the colours original to T.C. Canon as im a fan of the colours he uses in his work and want the image to have a similar asthetic.
Overall im really happy with how this turned out, i believe doing the outline digitaly was really fun and had a lot of adavantages. If there was 1 thing i would change it would be the smoothness in colour, other than that im happy with how this went.