Lino printing/Collograph:

Artist that links in with this art:

Chalk Drawing

Chalk sitting where our teacher Hannah sat down in different angles and we had to draw her from different perspectives roughly then rub it out and repeat it until u have different angles overlapping each other. I rubbed out the different sitting poses she did but for the last one where she sat down I used chalk instead. I like the rubbed out pencil markings and love how it overlaps. Next time I could position my chalk drawing more and put it with the pencil drawings or make sure the chalk doesn’t smudge.
Artist that links in:


Mod roc

This the process of how I made my mod roc. I used a cut Plastic bottle for the top if it and then built up mod roc on the plastic bottle and used a circle cut out cardboard and mod rocked that too. I printed out letters on paper and stuck them on and used different types of tissue paper to make feathers to stick on too and tissue paper for the top of the goblet. I also used gold paint for the stem that wrapped around it and stuck with my 2 quotes that I have combined (consisting of heaven and oasis which I interpreted into a flower garden) and made a flower heaven goblet. I like the techniques and style I have used for this and mod roc was fun to access and mess around with. We followed an artist called Grayson Perry however I didn’t thoroughly research him as my work didn’t really relate to him however I decided I wanted to use mod roc for my final piece and so I have interpreted his method of creating art into mine.
Glazing with Acrylics

I did glazing with acrylics however as I wasn’t present for the lesson nor really knew how to proceed with this I didn’t finish my piece nor fully research and experiment with it however I like the outcome of trying this even without any help. What I could improve is really researching an artist who links in with this or the method on how to do this at all and proceed to finish it.
Block Printing

These are my patterns for block printing. I created Angelic kind of doors or if you turn them upside down they are designed wings if you bunch them together. I like the colour and design so there’s nothing to really improve however next time I will try making a different repeat pattern.

these also kind of link in with block printing but instead I combined cut out pieces and tried making an abstract angel. I tried doing it 2 different ways and love both the outcomes.
Dark room