I created 3 postcards which were based off of my dreams concept. I based my dreams concept on my aspirations which is pursuing fashion. I wanted to focus on how fashion changed through time making a victorian dress from the past, a 2 set piece from now and a kind of robot and body suit for the future. The reason I chose fashion as my concept is because that’s something I want to do as a career. Something that evokes different stories and different ideas onto different people. So I’ve based my project sorely on fashion and how I can persue it and go about it.

This is my Past postcard. I have created a dress from the Victorian/Elizabeathan era using a set colour pallette being green and purple. I used watercolours as that was used as an old art medium in the olden days (oil paint too) but I didn’t use oil paint as I wanted to use watercolours to give a rather soft and watery look. The reason I chose green and purple was because they are contrasting colours and they compliment each other very well. On the side of the person, I created an arched hedge to replicate a fair lady walking in a garden as in most shows and movies (which replicate the olden eras) they have some sort of garden that is well kept and have arched hedges for you to walk through which leads into a secluded area. It gave the character a more elegant and delicate look as if she’s the centre piece of the garden I had envisioned. Throughout my postcards I kept 1 thing consistent and that is the newspaper tabs on the side. I created those to give a newspaper vibe where people read about things and find the need to buy it as it is trendy and in style. So it’s promoting the things that the girl is wearing and to make it become more popular by spreading the news. Another consistent thing I’ve added to my past and present postcards is using fabric. I used felt for this one and used the purple felt to make frills. Felt was made years back near 6500 BC so I decided to use felt as a material from the past on my artwork to really finalize the idea of my fashion pathway. What I think I could improve on about my art is how I need to practice using watercolour techniques so the colours don’t clash and bleed out into each other and to work on the consistency of the water. I also could change the frills and continue the pattern throughout the bottom dress as it looks somewhat out of place on the dress as it’s only in 1 section of it. If I were to redo my past design, I would probably try making the outfits from a different time period such as the Roman Times, Geek times and etc or I could have based the outfit on religion as it links in with how the religion is being carried through fabrics. Initially I could have also gone on a cultural side of fashion, really accentuating the differences between cultures. I could have also changed up my colour scheme and use a different art medium instead of watercolours. The things I do like is the dress design as it’s a combination of the references I took and the felt bow blends in a little but it still gives a fuzzy look to it that I like. I also like the colours as they contrast very well and I like my idea with the newspaper tabs as they are informatic.
Past mindmap/moodboard


I have also used these for reference and used these ideas for mine:
This was used for the outfit of my design.

This was used the for the newspaper Idea which continues through out my postcards.


This is my present postcard. I decided to just stick to traditional pencil outlining as it balances between past and future art mediums as there isn’t a set art medium people use these days and how people experiment between the old ones and the new ones. For the background I didn’t really have a specific idea for it but I used a wallpaper background as if she’s in her room taking a selfie in the mirror or recording it for her fans on live. I decided to use blue as it contrasts with white. I also used white yarn for her 2 piece outfit which is a more revealing outfit as clothing isn’t restricted and modest. It’s more free and wild. I used yarn as knitting has come back into fashion and how people knit their own clothing now so I thought to keep up with the trends and use yarn to make the outfit. For the tabs instead of newspapers I did it more in a website and online format where now internet is used to buy things and find things that are trendy. I also (like I’ve stated before) put in one tab of her on live for her fans showing her outfit and how she’s a fashion influencer. It gives you more of an insight on how fashion is changing but also the platforms people promote it. From how the past it was more of a shopping and being told what is popular and reading about it where as now you shop online and find information online instead. What I could improve on is adding more of a background where the girl pops out more or really show her expensive taste by adding a wardrobe behind her or some sort of display showing she’s a fashion influencer. If I were to redo this again, I would maybe use different fabric for the outfit as there’s different types of fabric now and maybe change the outfit. Like I’ve said with my past postcard I could focus on culture or religion as they change overtime. I quite like the background either way due to it’s simplicity but yet bold design and colour. I also like how the girls outfit is made with yarn and how I used a pencil for the design to show the simplicity.
Present mindmap/moodboard


I chose these 2 ideas for the outfit.


This is the final postcard I made which is the future. I made more of a body suit with a more tech based theme because of how technology is advancing. I also think that body suits that are related to tech wear would be more in fashion but instead of using cotton or factory made materials it would be made with technology. I also think with the tech wear outfit, clothes would still be revealing and wouldn’t go back to how the Victorian era had modest clothing but still have some sort of a baggy effect with clothes that also shape your body. For the robotic arm and leg that I have given the girl is due to how in the future global warming might be an issue and how the toxic fumes are in the air so wearing a mask with an oxygen tank is a must and how there’s a lot of diseases so she has to remove some limbs of hers and replace them with robotic ones instead. Also with her robotic features I used a black posca pen and used white gel pen to highlight the robotic limbs underneath to give an x-ray sort of vibe as if she’s covering them to show she’s still fully human where as she actually has some parts of what make her human stripped of her. It gives you a dystopian kind of vibe as the future is more technological based and has a sense of an ending world. For the colour scheme I know I wanted to use black as to show a foreboding future where nothing is set in stone and how different crises would become a bigger problem in the future causing havoc amongst people. I used pink and purple because they compliment each other well and still wanted to give her a girly colour scheme. For her hair I wanted to mix more of a Viking kind of look with her hair being on 1 side only but I also added dread locks to the other side of her hair due to how because dread locks are kept in your hair for a long period of time and you don’t have to fully maintain it which shows she hasn’t really got time to take care of her hair when there’s other things to worry about. I also added a pocket to her thigh as she doesn’t have much to carry except her essentials. For the background I didn’t want it to take the focus away from the girls futuristic outfit so I added lines that look like wires instead. Just like the previous 2 postcards, I did the tabs on the side but instead these ones are more like holograms instead to advertise them to the public. Just like how billboards show adverts this is exactly like that too but with just more advanced technology. It still gives the same type of information about what the girl is wearing and how trendy it is however there’s 2 tabs where that isn’t the case. 1 of the holograms says ERROR as it shows the hologram isn’t working which just shows technology can still be faulty. This also makes it link into the robotic arm hologram saying how something had gone wrong with it. This just shows no matter how advanced we become in technology especially in clothing there will always be a function that does not work and no matter how trendy it is and how many people buy it, people will be affected by the outcome of followings others with these trends. This just shows not everyone would like it but they follow anyways just because its recommended and when having it in their possession there will be something wrong with it or they don’t like it. This generally links into fashion and how whatever you create things wont go out as you planned or not everyone would like the design or the idea. If I were to improve on anything, I’d have used some sort of material just like my other 2 postcards like wire for the background or use something for the mask or the outfit itself. If I were to do this task again I might have done a robot instead impersonating as a human with clothes as we as humans can change what others perceive us as by using different clothes and styles which change and embraces who we feel or are on the inside and what we like most. What I liked about my design is the clothing and the hair as its something different and futuristic. I also like the hologram tabs as they really show the good and the bad things of technology.
Future mindmap

