Here is where I planned out my full project and what I would be doing for each week however not all of the things were followed through and some things changed as others happened on a different week. It helps me stay organised and keeps me on track for what I’m going to be doing.

Here is where I wrote down the things I need to be doing and adding to digital space to keep track of what I’m supposed to be doing. It’s a good way to keep track of everything. However, I didn’t do everything on my list but the important parts I made sure to do.

UAL Self Assessment
Here is the sheet our teacher gave us to fill in and to track where we are with our work and to see what we need to do.

Peer review
I had one of my classmates review my work on digital space to see what I needed to add and what I needed to do to make sure I could get the best marks possible. She listed things I need to improve on and the things I’m doing well with. I’ll try to work on the things she told me to improve on which will be a big help for me.
