This is mono printing. I explain the different techniques within the sketchbook and how I can improve it and what I have done that came out well.

Print Making
These are the 2 images I took which were tests to see if the paint is too thick so I couldn’t do my print on top of it as it has to be really thin.

This was my failed piece as the ink dried up and the paper didn’t pick it up so the lines are faint and didn’t really work well at all. However it was my first piece and I redid it and made sure to not make the ink dry up and to make sure I press hard onto the paper with the pen.

This was my collaged piece and my finished project and how I explained what went through my mind and how I created this print.

James Rosenquist (2023) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 15 October 2023).

I added images of the artists work.


This is the inside of the Zine and what I’ve done for it.

Generating ideas
This was to gather ideas and see what I wanted to go with. Eventually I chose this idea but in a different form.

Mixed media
This really helped me on what I’m wanting to do for my final piece.

This really helped finalise my idea for the final piece. Batik is when you apply wax onto the fabric so the ink doesnt flood into your design. You then apply ink onto your sketch and see how the wax doesn’t let the ink out. After that you iron the wax out and then your piece is complete.

Recycled Materials.
I talk more about James Owen Thomas in my artist research and went to his gallery and posted the pictures in Primary research.

Blotted Line Drawings
Blotted line drawing is when you trace your drawing with tracing paper and then taping it on a sheet of paper then flipping the tracing and using ink on the other side of it then gently tapping the ink on the paper to create an effect.

Drawing practice

This is just a quick lesson we did where we had to close our eyes and draw with our non dominant hand then proceed to do the same with our dominant one. This helps us envision an idea however due to closing our eyes we cant possibly put it onto paper accurately which opens more ideas to what the piece may look like. After that we had gotten magazines and we could stick stuff onto it. Due to my concept following fashion I stuck on fashion magazinds and made a dress and added more chalk like drawings behind to really stick to this idea. It was a fun idea sketch up and in the future if I were to do this again I would due to the ideas I may come up with.