Inking- Clare Caulfield

Inking- Amy Jayne Hughes

Quick sketch where my idea started to come together


Teacup Design

- I decided to go with the second to last design and have tried that design on the recycled materials.
Teapot Sketch

- This is my teapot design. A rough sketch. After the recycled cup I have made, I wanted to make a set with it with the teapot. I decided to try copying the design I had done on the teapot as I quite liked that design however I did only a rough sketch and should have fully explored into it and explained it more thoroughly.
- I will do it differently to the cup as in I will papermache the teapot then paint it white then spray paint it gold so I can create a smooth texture with the newspaper papermache and also paint it white so then the gold spray paint can show through. The process is explained on my 3D work.
Dark room

Teacup Collage