Bingley music town is a project set up to help the towns music scene thrive, this is because it helps people celebrate they’re passion for music through sharing and set up events all across Bingley. The project also has many Members that have joined to support the Bingley music scene and become part of a community that has even raised money to help out the music scene. Some of the organisational Members are, ALL TOGETHER NOW, Bingley music school, Bingley guitar studio, Bingley singing for fun and many more. Overall this is a really great thing that has been set up for the town and is slowly creating a huge positive impact for the town.
Bradford 2025

This year Bradford has won the UK city of culture award which means that Bradford will get a lot of funding especially for the music and arts, this also means that leading up to 2025 there are going to be a lot of eyes on Bradford and hopefully this will help Bradford out because in my opinion its one of the worst cities in the UK for the music scene, if anything it has become retired and on its last legs in terms of music in Bradford.
The Odeon is a music venue that is getting refurbished and basically rebuilt to help the Bradford music scene gain some traction again, This will be great for Bradford because they will finally be a good venue that will have big bands playing there which will make the music scene grow more. Here below are some pictures that my dad took when he went for a look around:

What is an Assets Map
An assets map is basically a big map of a city or town where all of the assets are pinpointed, its good to have an assets map because you can help connect people in the music scene so that they could possibly put on more events and even help each other out, overall I think assets maps are useful because they would help the city thrive more by making lots and lots of connections.
Going to Bingley arts centre
-*Richard stageman and Ash

At the start of the Bingley music town project David took us all to see Bingley arts centre, This was a great experience because we got to meet Richard *(stage manager) and Ash (sound engineer) These people are great connections for my class to have because we could even ask to run the final college showcase there. hey also showed us how to build a Drum riser and how to control the PA of the venue.
What could improve/The challenges
The main thing that Bingley Music Town could improve on is that they need to target a wide range of people, to me it seems like they are just targeting people aged 40+ because they aren’t many events for the youth that they Promote this is because they promote events like ukulele club or choir groups which most people my age just wouldn’t attend, I think that BMT would go a lot further if they started including more youth into there projects.
Personal refection
Overall I’m quite grateful of what David has done for us, and I have really enjoyed Davids sessions this is because he gave us so much knowledge into Bradford 2025 and Bingley Music Town, I would defiantly say that this may even come in use to me in the future.