
When working on the body and neck, I will need to do some research into woodworking I think I will have to research into the best way to fill a guitar body and how to build the neck pocket out with wood filler. will also research the best way to sand the body down so that it’s to a level/flat surface.

From doing some research through YouTube, I’ve learnt that I can sand the majority of the body down with an electric disc sander as long as I keep moving it around in fast circular hand motions, this is so that the body gets sanded down to a flat even surface, unfortunately I will have to sand the corners down by hand and things like the neck pocket, I am going to use 80 grit sandpaper disc pads to start with then work my way up to 120 and I will use 50 grit for the bits that I have to sand by hand because this will speed the process up, finally before I put the first coat of sanding sealer on I will do a fine hand sand with 240 grit so that will help get rid of the wood grains deepness and make the body very smooth. I will also do this outside on a workbench on a dry sunny day, I am also going to borrow the tools from my dad as he owns most tools that ill need for this project.