Weekly bounces

In my first session learning ableton I got taught the basics like, how to record an instrument, how to use samples and how to make audio tracks. The song above is what I created when I use Ableton for the first time to try and make something. personally I don’t think this song is good but it’s alright for my first time using Ableton. 

In my first session learning ableton I got taught the basics like, how to record an instrument, how to use samples and how to make audio tracks. The song above is what I created when I use Ableton for the first time to try and make something. personally I don’t think this song is good but it’s alright for my first time using Ableton. 

This week we had to make an EDM track. I ended up learning how to use the master Ableton track to record in full verses and choruses… I also learned how to pan instruments and put effects on them such as compression reverb or delay. 

For our final week learning the skills available to and I learned how to use the simpler to chop up samples. The sample that I simpled just happened to be a drum beat which meant that I also put this into a drum rack and played it through the MIDI keyboard to make a good drum beat I also changed things such as like adding Overdrive or a dynamic tube to the mix. I think that my end result was the best thing that I have made yet, I am rather happy with this.