Video Games mix

Here is a logic track that I mixed that consists of four different sounds, the first two sounds are each individual singer and the last two are acoustic guitar, I think one is recorded by a microphone and the other is the guitar just DI’ed straight in to logic. You can also see below that on the master track I have automated everything so it creates an outro that slowly fades out and an intro that gradually fades up to the first chorus.

In the image of the main logic screen above you can see that I have panned the two guitar recordings left and right, I have done this to create space for headphone users and to add some depth and fullness to the overall sound. In this screen shot one thing I haven’t done is name the original tracks which I will make sure to do next time.

In the image above which is the logic mixer, you can see that I have added EQ to everything, for both vocals I have scooped out the harsh low frequencies and some of the mids and for the guitars I have removed the muddy frequencies and boosted the mids. Also, on the vocals I have added a space reverb which is just like natural room reverb to make them sound crisper, and for the guitars I have added a different reverb that sound good on an acoustic. finally I have compressed the lead singers vocals, this is because there are parts in the song like the chorus that gets much dynamically greater than the verses.

Here is the space designer reverb that I have put on to the vocals, this reverb has a large and bright sound to it so it will stand out from the mix as a whole. this reverb is more dry than wet so it is less echoey and more reverberant which I personally think sounds nicer on vocals.