Song Research

One of my main aims in my final project was to be prepared for the main part of my project with was my 2X45 min gig, this is why I had to learn as much songs as I possibly could off by heart, but just to make sure I have made lead sheets for the songs that I am not so sure on just so that I have a basis to follow incase I forget certain parts of a song because over the past few weeks, I have had just over 20 songs to absorb and remember. so here are some of the songs that I have made sheets for to make the gig flow smoother and also to prevent less mistakes from happening through the gig. Me and Sienna have also agreed that if we do mess up at all through the set that we will just continue and guide each other to what part of the song is next, usually this is never even noticed by the crowd in the slightest but it defiantly comes in handy in sticky situations in any live performance.

As you can see below here are the sheets that I have made, I learnt these songs by researching the chords online and looking at acoustic covers on YouTube I will also provide the references to there sources in my references page of the project. My aim for these sheets was to make the songs as easy as possible for me to understand and the ‘C’ after some song names indicates what number fret I have to put the cap on to play the song in the right key.

Sienna has also done a similar thing to me to prepare herself for the gig but because lyric sheets are so big and one song can be a few pages she is going to use an iPad on a small music stand so it looks more professional to the audience and much tidier and neater.

You can also see that I have used a highlighter for certain parts to divide them up or to make me remember a part of the song that I would mess up on in rehearsals, hopefully this will help me prevent less mistakes from happening in the actual gig, Overall I am happy and confident in these sheets that I have made and I am glad that I took the time to research the chords and make them.