Sienna Craven Music

I found Sienna Craven when I searched up ‘Music’ on my instagram to see if anybody had any musical accounts and this came up. when I messaged all of the other people that replied to my Facebook post on community groups I found that a lot of these people were quite a bit older than me or they had the wrong kind of voice for that I wanted for the duo. So then I thought i’ve basically got nothing to loose and I sent Sienna a message because the videos on her account sounded great, currently she is doing music performance and production at Leeds City college and she wants to be committed to playing live frequently, she is also very open minded like me towards what music we perform and a very versatile singer with a great voice who will be strongly committed to this project.

After our first rehearsal/audition I actually think that her voice sounded even better in person but the only downside of Sienna is that she said that she gets nervous before playing a gig but once she’s on stage she is then completely fine, with is actually what most musicians do, personally I never really get any stage fright or nervousness before a gig because i’ve been doing it since I was 11 years old but this is something that I aim too help her out with and gaining more confidence.