Proposal form

Project Title: Acoustic Duo

Section 1: Context (approx. 300 words) 
For my final project I aim to collaborate with a vocalist to start an acoustic duo which will aim to get a paid gig and produce a 90-minute set worth of cover songs. For my final project at college, I know that for me, this will be very difficult and challenging because I have never done something like this before as a project with a set time frame that I will have to keep track with and work towards to achieve my goals. I have chosen to do this as my final project because I think that it will develop my collaborative skills as well as my performance skills and it is also something that I will be able to take away with me outside of the college course as this could also be an income if I take it seriously and find a singer that is just as committed as I am to the acoustic duo. I also think that I need to make a schedule for this project because it will help me keep on track and stay up to date with all my work.  
Section 2: Research (approx. 50 words) 
In this project I will have to research various things such as, 90mins worth of songs that’s appealing to the audience and songs that would work in various venues/settings, I should research a good venue for the duos first gig and I could also research the best way to set the PA and equipment up to make it sound the best it can be live which I could also make a diagram out of for my digital space portfolio. 
Section 3: Problem solving (approx. 100 words) 
Throughout the course of the project there are definitely going to be a lot of problems I may encounter. This could be various things such as finding a singer, this is probably going to be one of the main problems for me because currently, I don’t know of any singers that are committed/available for the role of this project, I’m going to try counter this problem by messaging around on groups for wanted musicians and I am also going to message people that I know that run open mic events around my area, hopefully this should work out in my Favour. I may also face other problems like finding a venue, I doubt this would be a problem, but I might have to prepare for this and create a message that I can send round to venues that I have played at before. 
Section 4: Planning and production (approx. 50 words) 
This project will take quite a bit of planning for me because whilst I am trying to find a singer I could plan in advance by choosing songs for the setlist and learning them, I could also plan in advance with the rehearsal side of things by recording any songs that I learn and post them on my digital space portfolio in a song development page to show my development overtime.   
Section 5: Practical skills (approx. 100 words) 
Through the project I will utilize quite a lot of my practical skills, this will be through playing live, collaborating with a vocalist to make music which will also enhance my practicality for writing songs. I have chosen quite a practical project to do because I would really like to have a practical career in music as a performer and I think by doing this project it will push that for me. I also think that there isn’t really a limit of what your practical skills can reach as a performer and there is always room for improvement no matter how experienced you are in the industry. 
Section 6: Evaluation and reflection (approx. 100 words) 
From past projects I have realized that it is crucial that I keep reflecting and evaluating on the quality and progress of my work throughout the project. I think that this will keep my work up to a good standard from start to finish of the project and by reflecting on my work I will be able to Analyse the mistakes and make sure i improve in the project going forth. In the project I will make sure to Analyse my work every week in the form of voice notes or a paragraph which will explain what progress I have made that week, what I am working towards the week after and what problems I have encountered and how I will find a solution for those. I will post this Weekley progress paragraph on my online digital space portfolio every week so that at the end of the project I can make sure that I will provide a thorough and detailed project evaluation. 
Section 7: Presentation (approx. 100 words) 
I aim to present my work at the final showcase by playing a couple cover songs that we have learnt in the duo; I feel like this is a perfect way of presenting my final project because it will be a live demonstration of what I’ve achieved through the project and it will also show how well I have collaborated with the vocalist and how much effort I have put into creating the duo. I will display the course of the project in a neat and tidy way by posting it on the pages of my digital space portfolio and creating different sections of the project.