Project Evaluation

Overall I have really enjoyed the first project of my level three extended year because I have gotten the chance to learn how to set up a live event and I have been taught all the production side of things leading up to it. I have also gotten more insight on how to set up the college stage and how to properly run a gig through a desk. I am also very happy that I got selected for my role, this is because I am well suited to it as I am used to performing to crowds and I also feel like I am used to that sort of environment. I also think that the event has actually gone well because of all the planning that us level three ex students put into it, we had to learn how to set up the stage, learn how to promote on social media, make online tickets for the event and cater for the audience in the event. This project has definitely been a challenge for me because whilst doing all of this we have had to learn three songs to perform at the event at the same time. One thing I am going to improve on for next project and future projects is that I am going to have more of a balanced workload and do the work as soon as I receive the task rather than doing the practical work in the moment and leaving all the written work nearer to the end of the project. Finally there are definitely a good few skills that I have taken away with me from this project that are based on planning events and I can definitely see me using these in the future, Overall I am happy with how this project has gone and I have really enjoyed it!