Project Evaluation

Did I meet my goals for this project?

I think that for this project, I have met my goals and I have even underestimated what I turned out with in the end, Overall I really enjoyed my final project because I got the chance to choose what I could do as my final project. I knew that this project was gonna be a massive task and a challenge for me but I went for it anyway and pushed myself which that’s why I’m so happy it turned out so well.


I think that my research has gotten better this project because I have had to research various things like setup tips, woodwork and paintwork and other things like various components and what they all do, I also feel like my research has gotten better this project because I have even included a page for references where I can reference the source of the websites that I have gotten my knowledge from.

Practical skills 

feel like my practical skills as in building/fixing/restoring guitars/basses has gotten far better this project because I have really pushed myself with the practical side of things and made sure that I haven’t cut any corners and that everything is done in the right way to a high quality, I have even made sure not to cheap out on this bass because that’s how well I wanted to to turn out in the end.

Would I consider this a career?

I wouldn’t particularly consider being a guitar luthier as a career but this will all come useful tome because I now know all of this information and I’ve had first hand experience at how to restore a bass guitar, I could possibly fix/restore other peoples instruments for money or set up guitars as a side job but mostly this is just for fun.