Project evaluation

Did I meet my targets?

The three targets that I set myself for this project are ‘Harvard reference my research.’, ‘i will include higher quality context in my writing, i can complete this target by getting straight to the point and not going off of topic in my writing.’ and finally,’have a better understanding of my fretboard’.

For my first target which was Harvard referencing, I think that I have mostly included this in my EDM and video game music but this just come natural so hopefully in the future I can use more Harvard referencing in my projects.

I have included higher quality content in my research because I throughly thought out what I am actually typing before I type it. I have also learnt that its quality of writing over quantity.

Finally I have improved on my last target by going up and down my fretboard and naming the notes out Loud so I can hopefully remember them better.


I think my research has improved in this project because I have made sure to go into fine detail on anything I am talking about. This research also taught me new things and opened up my music taste a bit more.

Practical skills

In this project I think that my software practically skills have improved the most, this is because I have learnt how to use logic and Ableton as well as even some more musical theory. Learning all of these practical skills certainly wasn’t easy but will make a big difference for when I need to use them again.

Would I consider this as a career?

At the minute, I would like to have the best of both worlds as my career after doing this project, this is because like producing just as much as I like performing, overall I think that this project was fun and it got me into producing things.