Project evaluation

initial assessment

When my initial assessment got graded, I definitely felt like I could write a more detailed evaluation, so I set myself this as a target. my other two targets cannot be completed yet as they have much longer deadlines such as next initial assessment which is next year. think I completed my second target which was write a bigger/ better evaluation for my next piece of work, I worked on this target and completed it by having more thought out conclusions in my mock and final performance evaluations. so overall I think I have met this target and hopefully I will get a good mark on my research and evaluation skills.


For research I have researched various different musical assets, such as health and safety risks, live performances band logo research and even how to present to a small audience. I think I have done enough research to have a good understanding overall in project 1, this is because the research has all been relevant and benefited me, this research has benefited me because I have found use for it in my own live situations such as applying the health and safety risk preventions to my own gigs. Although my research is good, I think that there is always room for improvement, this improvement can be things such as researching other things that are linked to my project such as, chord progressions or researching into further detail about the artist. Overall though I think my research has been pretty decent for my first project.

Practical skills

I think I did the best with my practical skills out of my other skills in this project, this is because I already come from a live performance-based background, so I’d know what to expect. I also enjoyed this the most because I got the opportunity to help other people where this skill was not their strength. I think I enjoyed this the most because I was already comfortable with learning songs as a band, using stage communication and performing live to an audience, I also got the opportunity to perform in two bands, one with my year and the other with the second years. I enjoyed playing with the second years the most because I felt like we musically gelled the most and all the songs come together fast. Overall the performance side of things, I have really enjoyed.

Would I consider this as a career?

I would definitely consider the performance aspect of music as a career, this is because I am most familiar with this side of music. Despite me saying I would consider the performance aspect as a career, I would definitely like to look into learning about production in the next project and even consider that as a musical career as well.