
Overall, I feel like presenting my final project went pretty well apart from a few misjudgements. these misjudgements were, creating a YouTube video, my time frame, sorting a pickup out for the bass and what I am going to play the the end of year showcase.

I will address the YouTube video by making sure that I have enough time to record it and also that all the videos are recorded to a high quality with a tripod. When recording the different takes I will make sure to use my phone because I can record 4K at 60FPS, I will also make sure that I get good angles and good sound because I can’t mess up the take as the restoration isn’t a reversible process, this is even if I decide to make any sort of video.

I will also make sure to manage my time frame further by creating a plan that is to a high standard in further detail so that I don’t loose track of time using the project, I also need to account for the weeks that I am gone in Italy.

I also need to either use the pickup I have or buy a new pickup for the bass, this all depends on how I want the bass to sound so I need to research further to what exact sound I would like. But if I buy a pickup the total cost will rise around £100.

Finally I need to choose a song that I will perform at the end of the year showcase using the finished bass, I will research different artists, techniques and solos that will be difficult for me so that my musical ability also improves over the course of this project.

Presentation slides: